pumperman | 04-02-2009 | comment profile send pm notify |
u know i been on this site a long time and seen and met alot of great operators and machanics on here. but the english lesson.fishing,and what the hell ever else we put on here gets away from the point of what this site is about.its about pumps,concrete,and how we get it from point A to point B.i guess sum of us older guys care more than others and others its just a paycheck,like ruck i never thought id see him say pump off but its getting to the point i dont blame him,cause all of a sudden no one on here needs help or needs to learn.hell everyone knows everything,i guess the training these days is different than my 21 years cause hell im still learning.like who gives a shit where they are from they are operators.who cares the way they spell or make a sentence.none of us on here are professors.we are operators.ill probably get bashed for this post but oh well it really dosent matter.but these days this site just isnt what it used to be and i for one cant wait to see all the old guys come back and lets get back to business like it used to be.........PUMPING MUD.....thats really all its about,,,and thx todd for letting me voice my opinion |
crazycreter | 04-02-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
here here, my promise to everyone is, if i cant say nothin good, i wont post. and my word is golden.
pumperman | 04-02-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
ok u 2 are exceptions to the rule........lol......but the again u do write the check. |
Todd | 04-02-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
One thing to remember alot of guys are not working right now and they still want to post and connect. So if someone is not pumping maybe they are fishing or doing what ever. I think everyone is a bit stressed and every one has issues. Just my 2 cents. |
pumperman | 04-02-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
oh thats very understandable im more or less talkin bout the bitching and arugin bout things that dosent matter.the connection we have is gtreat im more or less talking bout the bashing of people on here for the way they talk or how different they r.just because its different dosent mean its wrong and the bashing is what is getting crazy |
PumperMike | 04-02-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
OK since we deleted the first one (ahem) - one needs to add Nascar to that first list. (j/k) However, fishing, hunting (even nascar) are some of the things that keeps us all sane in this business. :P
TooTall | 04-02-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Just remember that most of the recent smack talk has been between one guy that joined last month and another that joined a few days ago. I'm think'n they'll learn how it works around here sooner than later? Hey pumpdaddy, what about fish'n on the job, dont that count? There's a really simple way to not be bothered by what other people have to say... >Dont read it!< It works great! When you see a post that dont interest you... >Dont click it!< There's also the arrow at the top left incase you read or see something that you dont care for? I go for the left arrow whenever there's any BIG red words or useless blab, I'm gone... |
G-man | 04-03-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
would be real good to get back to talking about pumps, with the majority of folks listening to those other guys whose resumes speak volumes I personally get real fustrated with real young guys assuming this is a 1 2 3 business to learn, where really it should take years , and even then keep learning. Fifty years old, been pumping a real long time, thought I knew alot, yet last week read to slam pump in reverse if it starts to teeter! Read that damn post four times and each time said to myself, why didn't I think of that !!!!!! Proof of you can teach old dogs new tricks !!! steve tristatepumping@gmail.com |
chico777 | 04-03-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Oh thats good for you again g-man. So you say a guy with lets say 35 and pumping for 15 years isnt that good than a guy with 45. How can you say that? I knew a guy and that guy was going out with a cracked turret for 2 weeks and he was over 40 years old. Well there older guys who can not even run a boom smothly and i know guys that can do 10 different jobs a day without one proble. Be it fillcrete, linepors, setting up a placingboom on the 25th storey or what ever now only because they are 35 they are not good? Fu** sakes man thats an open mind to others thats welcoming others. These guys pay for your pension too. |
G-man | 04-03-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
chico777 have a good day and a good weekend |
pudg | 04-03-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
I have been silent long enuff chico 777 you have got to be 90 years old cause you f#*#in know everything I have read a post from you on every topic the last few days, I do not care what color sex nationality you are a dick is a dick in all languages ,maybe you should listen to this quote "its better to remain silent and thought a fool than to speak up and remove all doubt" you have shown us ignorance is worldwide it doesnt discriminate, we all know your the best, you know it all, and you know how? because you told us so, so good for you, your probably so good you dont even have a job so heres to you hero "in your own little mind". just let us know when you want to start listening and learning and you will be welcomed here with open arms but until then you will be abused like a redheaded step child.pump off ps wish i could figure out how to turn your computer off! pudg |
chico777 | 04-03-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Pudg, if someone shows up or showed up which good points about thw whole concrete pumping stuuf and it makes my job safer, quicker and more effective i will be the last in not listening. I am 34 not 90. I dont pump no more thats what you should know if like you said have been reading al my messages on all topics. Now thats for that. But hearing or reading a guy who says the young guys, and that one in my words, should shut up or only apraise the older guys because they have soooo muuuccchh experience, much more than everybody can have. Well than theres a kind of mindless pearldivers thats i mean. And hey if you are that pissed then come up with questions and not only writing like oh boy 2500 ft than 3500 ft and so on. And only because of a discussion of some guys trying to close the access to a guy? Well, read, think and learn thats what i do. |
chico777 | 04-03-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Oh pudg you write su ugly, abused, dick. But hey i like you, you look like vin disel at least a little bit. Are you irish? |
chico777 | 04-03-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
You know what i like on guys like you pudg? They allways talk like "We, All, Everyone etc.". Now i think that you are the official spokesperson over here which speaks for everyone! But you know what I DONT THINK SO. Because, i dont offend no one. |
pumperman | 04-03-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
chico i hate to say it partner but u offend everyone on here.like after pudgh said what he had to say u have left quite a few messages because no one is answering u.look partner cool your jets and just join the conversations,i know u r new here and we all get a lil out of hand from time to time but theres alot of experience and knowladge on here so take advantage of it |
chico777 | 04-04-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
I dont write down some messages because nobody answers. Sometimes i read a message 2 or 3 times and then i see some points which i have to set straight because they are written, puting the finger on me. You know how that all started? With the english lesson. Now i think, how can it be that so many guys on here think they speak up for 2712 members?????. I DONT THINK SO and i guess i am not the only one even if a guy comes up now again, writing, yes you are the only one. Why people always have to write down some sort of stuff,like "I am outa here because of you?" or stuff like that. For me its about let shit come up to you or not and i dont let shit come up to me. I dont feel personally in a bad mood but some guys prob. take it to personaly even nobody talked to them. |
pudg | 04-06-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
chico or dick , I am my on spokes person and here is my opinion you dont pump anymore ? I wonder why ? I know, you couldnt shut the f@#^ up ! so heres to you asshole glad you like me the feelings not mutual I dont like smartasses or dumbasses and seems as though your a lot of both, I got two words for you and they aint love you figure it out smartass ,as I said before come here with out the attitude and everyone here will welcome you, I know this because I was welcomed, come here the way you have you get this, so if you just like pissing people off thats what we call a dick in english or the U S of A comprende' amigos punta BEETCH |
Leroy | 04-15-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
pumperman??? When the hell was the last time someone posted a picture of a fish? And who the hell gives a phuk! You no like, You no look...Very easy! Lets get back to pumping and whatever the hell else pumpers like to do? Close your eyes here comes another damn fish!!! |