Lets make a top ten list of great sad or happy events in the concrete pumping industry for 2011
Todd 12-29-2011
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Let's make a list, who passed away, great jobs, Japan's needs pumps for power plant and so on. Let's recap the year.

79xlch 12-29-2011
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Most good news I have is that I was working. Fair year and pray for better.

Crow 12-30-2011
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Employed the whole year and it is looking better for more years to come.

My company exited bankruptcy

We are pumping everyday

Prices are up

2012 looks better, not quite 2006 busy, but better.

There's a new wind blowing with the presidential election coming up.

Had a heart attack, 1st one ever.  Recovered nicely, without any damage to the heart muscle.  Working out 3-4 times a week now, eating better.

It was the hottest driest summer in the record books.

American troops pulled out of Iraq


pumpjockey 12-30-2011
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"LIKE"   That sounds like a good year, great that you'vbe made a good redovery from your heart attack, and made some lifestyle changes.   I'm sure you have a much dofferent outlook on life too.  All the best in the new year!

seedless 12-30-2011
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Got Me a 2012 Putzmeister, feeling fuzzy all over.
