manufactured sand
stink21 05-06-2010
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got a job pumpin a wall with manufactured sand with a 46 putz 16 cell..what do u guys think an suggest

WHO?? 05-06-2010
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tell'em to keep the hopper low and turn the auger backwards...and WET!!!!

jbrown 05-07-2010
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that manufactured sand sucks, i run a 3 inch big rock line pump and sometimes i get a load and i have a hard time pumping that shit i get a lot of separation of the material in my hopper

pm36m 05-07-2010
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keep it wet and keep it moving manufacturd sand sucks just did a wall yesterday with it every time i stoped had to back up pump to get started again also use the lower gear on your putz it wont work the truck as hard as when in econo gear

stink21 05-07-2010
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i was told to keep it around a 7in slump

pumper chuck 05-09-2010
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 hate man sand,should be tailgated only.but everyone cutting cost and saving every dollar posible we get stuck with the sh--y end of survival .5 to 6in on the slump,and switch to hard shift mode on the quarter turn forward,two back. good luck!

stink21 05-09-2010
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alright thanks guys

pumper chuck 05-10-2010
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well,,,how'd it go ? done yet or what?

stink21 05-11-2010
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naw we havent done it yet..i dont kno for sure if we are..were waitin on the mixs to get approved an thats one that has been so far but there workin on another one..ill let u kno when i try it