My2cents | 01-13-2010 | comment profile send pm notify |
Sorry Gentlemen,
But I just happened to read the posts that have been brought about lately, some even by our great moderator Todd. Why is it we always go back to the same subjects? We can all talk about it, (booms going over, pricing, and now whores). Sorry gents, but until everyone steps out of there way to do something about it, this dead horse is still going nowhere. I,ve been kicked in the teeth to many times on this board for speaking about these same subjects, yet here we are posting about it again. Do you guys think this problem is just going to disappear? I do not care if you are an owner, operator, oiler, whatever. It will never stop until the issues are addressed, and it will take everyone involved to end it. Time to use your proper dunage so your boom will not fall over, stay away from the wires, pay attention to the RM drivers so they do not spoil everyones day, and lastly take care of the subject that is always talked about, and it has to come from this Industry as a whole. Set your prices, put it in writing, and stand your ground. DO NOT BACK DOWN. The only one that wins when you drop your price is the woman that never intended on paying you anyway, and you spend to much of your time trying to collect what they were not going to pay you anyway. Guys, lets get real. Quit talking about it and start standing together as an Industry. Todd has provided the ultimate forum! Take advantage of it. Listen, learn, and practice. The Industry will never come back until everyone stands together, and proves that we really are professionals! |
predater | 01-13-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
That sounds nice but reallity is were allways going to have cheap stupid sluts out there that pump cheap you know the ones that dont maintain there pumps put there pumps on there sides 4 to 5 times in the last 3 or 4 years buy the cheap pumps dont have experienced operators exc. the industry is tuff ive held prices for the last year and am tired of looosing work to these stupid basterds that are foundo companies buying pumps then going out there cuttting prices and putting there pumps on there sides pulling them up not haveing them looked at and sending them out LIBERTY PUMPING |