mytfynsunshine | 12-29-2009 | comment profile send pm notify |
47 Meter was pumping when all of a sudden plug in the reducer. This is what came out. Contractor thinks it came from our pump(Of course, don't they always??). LOL Obviously it didn't, but curious where it did come from. Does it look familiar to any of you guys? |
mytfynsunshine | 12-29-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Many | 12-29-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
1st guess is he's right,but where? |
typesdubs | 12-29-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Brand of pump would help a bit |
Pumpman_79 | 12-29-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
My guess would be lift grate see if 2bolts are missing from vibrator. Or where rubber strap wraps around hopper (back supports) |
pumperdolittle1 | 12-29-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Could be off a crusher or a stacker. |
Telealbelt | 12-29-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Wishfull thinking. It could be quarry related or dump truck or batch plant etc. Doesn't look like pump part to me. Keep it cause somebody is makin a new one somewhere. |
murf | 12-29-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
part of the batching plant, bet they was working on it sometime previous and replaced something, dropped this into the bin, call round and match the paint up. |
AK1 | 12-29-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
kanukle valve bolts im sure
hehehehe |
chongliyan | 12-30-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
I wonder the mixer driver didn't hear the impact thru the hopper gates as it fell off from the chute. |
Boom Inspector | 12-30-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Is your pump painted white ? If so it may be a part off a hyd. stauff clamp. Ive seen similiarily shaped plates that have the bolts welded like that to keep them from spinning off . They are usually located above the left hand diff. cyl. But if it is off your pump it is a stretch as to why it would have ended up in your hopper ? |
mytfynsunshine | 12-30-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
typesdubs - It's a Schwing 47 *****
chongliyan - Mixer driver probably would have heard it, but he was in the cab of his truck getting warm. ******
telealbelt & murf - We were thinking what you guys were thinking, still not sure though |
steadyeddy | 12-30-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
no evidence of concrete buildup which means probably not from your hopper area-vibrator, grate, etc. I'm not implying you have buildup, but we know what the underside of this stuff looks like. The mismatched bolts, both in grade and thread length along with the tack weld says it is not factory installed on the pump. The paint suggests what it looks like-piece of scraps used to fix a conveyor or batch plant. How does it fit through screen at plant? Did it fall in mixer the night before on his final rinse out from an overhead water spigot? Was this his 1st load that day--that's my guess.
pudg | 12-30-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Loader,batch plant, dump truck,mixer , who knows but I can say pretty confidently it did not come from the pump, I have had many of these and not once did the foreign object come from the pump contractor didnt want to hear that but it was the truth. |
tallbaldtravis | 12-30-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
No way it's from inside the hopper the rust all over the heads of the bolts and on the threads, you know what the heads of bolts look like in the hopper look like smooth and rounded due to rock abbraision. judging from size and length it's gotta be from the batch plant off the loading hopper or something |
sammy | 12-30-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Well you know its not factory look at the crappy weld. A fix or an add on I guess. |
greenguy | 12-30-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
I really doubt its from a Schwing pump. The markings on the head make those imperial grade 8 bolts, so unless you replaced the grade 10.9 or 12.9 metric bolts with those ones, they're definitely from a domestic piece of equipment. |
Joe | 12-31-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
It could be a emergency splice that feeds the batch plant. I have seen them like that but usually they are wider than those pieces there. The redimix plant I use to wrok at would have something similar to piece the conveyor belt back together for a quick short term fix, but like I said they are normally a bit wider |