New Autobahn junction Bochum Stahlhausen
CaSsE 12-19-2010
comment profile send pm notify Couldnt see the pumping live, but at least our local newspaper did some photos. Its one of the largest new build junctions of the past 5 years. Realy big with 5 new bridges and a seperate road for the Krupp Steel factory.

pumpjockey 12-19-2010
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Why such short tip hoses? Unless they are very pliable, they don't give the hoseman much range of motion.

CaSsE 12-19-2010
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As far as i know we provide every Pump with a 3m tip hose. Dunno if its German safety rule or manufacturer advise? I dun think we even have longer hoses in our spare part storage. But I do just build theese things and dont really care about short or long hose =) even if they have used Putzmeister on this construction site, I just like to see them working.