Ok some good news.
Todd 03-08-2007
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Ok good news.


Once you log into ConcretePumping.com you will always be logged into it until you manually log off of it. Than makes it really nice and much easier for everyone. What that means is that once you log in that a week from now if you come back to the site you don’t have to log back in again, you will be logged in.


The other nice thing we did is put a mail link on the top of the page so you can just click on that and get or send mail to other ConcretePumping.com users. Lol nice ha.


We are making other big changes that will show up very soon.


  1. We are making your personal page with fewer ads on them, the left side, right side and bottom will be ad free and you will be able to organize it more like your own personal web site.
  2. We are making a Virtual-Memorial section of ConcretePumping.com were we can pay tribute to those in the Concrete Pumping industry who have passed away.


I would like to thank all of you who support this web site and alow me to make things like this happen.


Be safe


Todd Bullis


tipatbis 03-09-2007
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Wow,, tanks Todd i'm happy to be a concretepumping.com...

Cool, merci Todd, je suis content d'etre un concretepumping.com !!!

Es-ce que tu comprend le francais, ca serais BEAUCOUP plus facille pour moi !!! HAHA

Russ 03-12-2007
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Thanks Todd,

The changes are great. I like the access to mail.
