outa control christmas party!!!
crazycreter 11-24-2008
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this ones a few years back

Bob 11-24-2008
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For shame !!!

Youth, ruined in her prime.

Don't believe her protestation on how she thought they were BABY BOTTLES.

TooTall 11-24-2008
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" Here sweety its time for your sleepy juice" ...Poor baby? ZZzz...

TooTall 11-26-2008
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A truly outta control Christmas party took place here in 1999! The owners rented the entire hotel and facilities. After the GM gave quite a speach and congradulated us for placing over 1million cu.yards of material that year things took a turn for the worst... When the bar began to close at mid-night, the owner laid down a credit card and requested it stayed stocked and opened  and was then manned by several operator/barteners. There was a swimming pool in this banquette hall that several people were tossed in to, including the owner's son. He decided to remove his soaked suit, strip down to his boxers and flex his muscles for the cheering crowd. He did this not realizing the fly on his boxers was wide open, the more they cheered the more he flexed! Lets just say getting out of the pool is not the best time to show-off your "stuff". His Dad (one of the owners) was so drunk and laughed so hard he fell off his bar stool and was escorted to his room. Even though rooms were booked and paid for, many ended up passed out in the banquette hall. The night included "fire extinguisher tag" in the hallways, fireworks in the parking lot and people sleeping in the hallways etc. You would not believe me if I told you what company this was. Best Party Ever!!!