Prices,is it a good idea to ????
finisher4700 11-15-2009
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quotes, for im in the same bussiness, parts insp, recondition, hands in all of it, but keep the price at a good rate. i know its tough out there . not sure of your area, but if you would like to talk, e-mail me at

Joe 11-15-2009
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I would say no to advetising price make them call for quote. I would mention in the ad "competitivve pricing", but when they call stress you credntials, qualifications and expertise. Not that it matters to most people any more but mention you get wht you pay for...Just my two cents..

Joe 11-15-2009
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Any time....Sell yoursself and the service you provide and more you can show yourself and your personality the less likely the price will be the deciding factor...

concrete canon 11-16-2009
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I remember something from economyclass I took long ago, the teacher asked us about the possibility selling icecream on the northpole !! then he came up with the marketing instruments (the big P's)such as Price,Place,Performance,Personel,Presentation, Product and so on. then he asked what to do to sell Icecream on the pole. with this in mind you have to ask yourself, is it the price or something else to sell your product or service.