pump tips over in germany
any pump 2 11-04-2009
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found this video on the net search mediathek.ard.de then search Auto-betonpumpen then move the mouse over the video icon

Pump N00b 11-04-2009
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My german is a bit rusty, but it looks like bad ground and not operator fault for once.

Many 11-04-2009
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My gut feeling is it's still operator error,sad but true.This is a good example why big boom pumps need an oiler/helper.We all know the operator needs to see the pour,hoseman,workers,which require him/her to be away from machine.Would a oiler helped prevent this? Only the big man upstairs knows for sure.

pumpjockey 11-04-2009
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A quick Google translation:

A so-called car-mounted concrete pump with a fifty-meter-long boom has turned over at noon on a construction site in Bremen-Schwachhausen. Was injured, fortunately niemand.Mit the machine Flüssigbeton should be pumped into the foundation of a new medical center.

Todd 11-04-2009
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sad, i hope everyone is ok.

Skaiff 11-04-2009
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yes, nobody was hurt. The operator placed the outtrigger on peat/turf, but the commentator said, he wasn't informed about the weak ground.

Todd 11-04-2009
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did he use his pad and dunage?

Skaiff 11-04-2009
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Don't know. I only have my informations from the video, and there isn't any word about the pad and the dunnage. At the beginning of the video is a pad and some dunnage visible, but in my opinion it dosn't fit to the position of the pump.

murf 11-04-2009
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looks like the rear near side outrigger was not extended, which would have increased the loading on the front near side outrigger which in turn was on poor ground,.

Many 11-04-2009
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I sure would love to see the report on this one.When it went over the boom was still over the front.It does appear the L/R out rigger wasn't completely out,not convinced the L/F was completly extended.I'm sorry but I see no real evidence of dunnage/pads.It looks as if the operator had plenty of warning signs this was going to happen.Bet the crane operator filled his/her britches,could have taken it also.

SUPERDOFFER 11-05-2009
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The front axsels where on crane mats that say something of the underground. i rather had had them under my outrigers...

concrete canon 11-05-2009
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at 0.04 secs u can see a dunnage pack of four 3x6 beams and a pad maybe its there for an example but when u take a close look at 0.59 secs a pack is visible where the r/f outrigger should rest on if the operator used the same pack on the left side on peatground he was just asking for trouble is my opinion