Pumpco Nashville location
crete 04-16-2009
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Any one hear how the Nashville branch is weathering the storm?

pudg 04-17-2009
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I thought they all was gone , but I do not know for sure didnt BB take over all operations ?

Todd 04-17-2009
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putzman19751975 04-17-2009
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did bb take over cc of groveland is cc still pumping or are they going to bite the dust?

tebequip 04-17-2009
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As I understand. BB took only certain markets. Only the ones they felt they could move their own pumps (that were slow or Idle) put them to work and generate some cash in NOW. Not expecting big profits but at least putting sitting iron to work to pay for themselves and maybe pay down some bills. Hope it works out for BB to help keep them going and sometime soon even begin to recover a little.


zuat150 04-17-2009
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C&C groveland did not get taken over by B&B they bought pumpcos pumps in the southeast along with their customers and that is it they were not part of pumpco.

crete 04-17-2009
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does any one know if bb moved any pumps to Nashville then?

putzman19751975 04-17-2009
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c&c never paid for the pumps they got from pumpco les was to get them back

putzman19751975 04-17-2009
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checked your file you work for c&c i feel for u your boss cris is a ------ u fill in the blank hope your doing well i left there about 2 yrs ago best move ever

putzman19751975 04-17-2009
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zuat150 how long u been there

G-man 04-18-2009
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please e-mail me @ tristatepumping@gmail.com



putzman19751975 04-18-2009
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steve its larry call me at 740-255-5643

putzman19751975 04-18-2009
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i cant e mail you on that web not a member

putzman19751975 04-18-2009
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member now took a few to sign up

Wolfman 04-19-2009
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From what i hear C & C is buying small company's up.

pumperswife 04-19-2009
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Just look at BB's new locations and you shall see.

