newbe 04-19-2009
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It is truly funny how people speculate,start rumors, and just spread off the mark lies when they have no Idea what is really happening.

Just a word to those of you who keep posting negative/uneducated posts about the Pumpco/Brundage transition.

"It's better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are stupid than to open it and prove them right."


Many 04-19-2009
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bri 04-19-2009
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I so much enjoyed the time I worked for them!

truckshow 04-19-2009
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I think anyone who comes onto this great site should at least have the balls to be an honest man/women....

Whats up with the people who state they have been on here since 12/31/1969.....  Come on??!!!

Then you "newbie", I agree with you about what you said, after all I am a born and raised Brundage-Bone Operator and always will be.....Never pumped for anyone else AND NEVER will...  But you come on here and say some pretty strong things but don't bother to fill in any of your profile....  If you've been around for so long you should know AND CARE, that the rest of us like to see the profile/pictures of our fellow brothers... 

I never understood why a lot of the guys on here put 1969, could anyone explain that....  The damn creator of this site, God Bless him,  has 4/10/06 on his profile....

Sorry Todd, You can delete this if its too much, but this just set me OFF, I've been on here a while and have noticed the 1969 thing and then the ones talking smack never have there profiles filled out, why the big secret...  We're a bunch friggin pump operators not politicians...

PumperMike 04-19-2009
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The 1969 just appeared one day after perhaps an update of the site?  Todd could probably explain better but this profile shows that too - but I would say it was sometime in 2006/7 when it was made. 

Todd 04-20-2009
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yes i think it was a bug in the program. Sorry about that. I did not even notice it. I agree people should fill out their profiles, i am going to have another update soon that makes it much easier to update your profile, right now it is kind of a pain in the butt.

Drew AUS 04-21-2009
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hmmm I realy have been here since 1969 ! I promise.... :P