pumping on a grade
Reco36 10-22-2014
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hey fellow pumpers. just got a question came to me today while driving by a local pumper pumping on a grade. ok so i can understand the truck needs to be level in all directions to prevent boom runaway. but what do you do when your front end is facing up the grade and with the truck level the hopper is to high for the rm trucks to unload. ive tried putting material down to bring the trucks up higher but usually ends up sinking away and the trucks haveing trouble with the crete going down the chute. 

Salapalooza 10-22-2014
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That is on the contractor to give us a proper spot to set up our trucks safely and with that comes a adequate spot for RM trucks to back up to us and unload. 

Dipstick 10-24-2014
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Set up another spot and put on some hoses. You outriggers are not made for sideways forces.

Just poped in mind if you realy desperate maybe remove the front wheels ?? LOL

lucky phil 10-25-2014
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We just retrucked our 36m on a volvo with airbag suspension, really comes in handy being able to drop the back by 300mm when setting up on a slope

Dipstick 10-25-2014
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An other slightly time consuming option would be to use a Combi pump and rigg it down after every load. Put it up again on a flat area, pump the next load over in your own drum and put it up again on the grade.

See most guys say: yeaaa we had no other option.. But there is always an other option as long as you can be bothered to use is..