Real Men Supporting Real Operators in Seattle
OE Local 3 02-03-2008
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Mr. Thinker,

I have a question, Pensions being stolen, Buis. Managers that are frauds ,liers, theives , etc. As this is what I am hearing... If this is all true ,at any point has anyone contacted the International office ?

I may be wrong but I have done quite a bit of research, and found out that the companies that did not want to re-new with 302 as they thought the package was to expensive. and if the companies decide they want no part of the union, thats not the unions fault or the operators. I have also heard alot of company bashing back and forth. Conco as an example, they are the largest here in the bay area and very reputable. they just didnt start doing this yesterday.

Praying for the best !


Local 302 supporter 02-03-2008
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This is the reason I think people should read the posts at the PI.   This sort of anti union sentiment is running rampant!  It\'s so mixed up with pride, ego, greed and politics that the operators at the 302 working for Conco are getting a serious bashing.  I was hoping to enlist some support for them about positive ways to stay with the 302 and work through the differences through the union process, mean while I believe that this has divided all of the once 302 operators and will end up putting the Concrete Pump operators back 20+ years.

OE Local 3 02-03-2008
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Mr. Thinker,


My appologies , I forgot to welcome you to the best site on the net !


OE Local 3 02-03-2008
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I still dont understand one thing ????? those companies decided the were not going to renew with the union long before the contract was up.They had a responsability to tell their operators ! I understand your point of view and I really dont think this is just one sided. Hey if you want you can be a Teamster in the Bay area hauling ready-mix for 30 bucks an hour,not to mention life time medical. or go to Sacramento and operate booms non-union for the evil empire at 12-15 bucks an hour ? you tell me ... there is some messed up stuff out there I know.

Its unfortunate that many people are suffering from this, lets not get to out of hand with it here on


OE Local 3 02-03-2008
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Mr. Thinker


Just curious back in Sept. of 2006 there was talk of union stuff here on the board. You sound alot like the guy Coastpumper..who kind of dropped of the map ....Is that you?

Bob 02-03-2008
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This site, unlike others is a commercial, for profit site. It is here to promote the sponsors, and intern, they PAY FOR a place to have civil discussions about issues that concern our industry. It is good to have an opinion about this and other issues. Here, enough is enough.

Please keep it civil.

Thank you.

phoenix 02-03-2008
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OE-3,  First let me establish that I consider Unions are neutral. It is the power and what the union leaders do with it that determines right or wrong.  They either take the membership on a road to improvement or a road to failure. They are leaders just as any other industry.  In this case some of the leaders should be replaced. Also in this case:  Free thinker is right on, this is about right and wrong!. There is no compromise with Allen Darr. He should be replaced and new negotiations restarted.

The 302 signed up Conco after negotiating with them. The union  split the companies, 7 or 8 in total, negotiated with them, some separate, some as a group, and took the best deal for themselves ( the union),  not the industry or the members. Then it was \"take it or leave it to the rest\".  Most of them decided to not join.  The only two that have signed other than Conco are the two that are trying to gain control of jobs. (All American and Frontier.)  This is wrong, and this business model will backfire on them.  However at this point to sign with 302 would be to relinquish your character. The companies that have not signed are correct.  Read the IOUE 302 website, study the IOUE 612 website. Study the   website,   Now study the new contract. The word apprentice and apprenticeship is nowhere to be found in the new contract. There is now truck driver trainees that are entitled to the full benefits of a journeyman.  GO to IUOE 793 website and they are demanding a certified apprenticeship program,  but not 302.  They do not care. The new pumper contract that 302 and Conco signed is diametrically opposed to the master agreement and to 302’s  own website, and the IUOE that insists the “future is in apprenticeship”. In the old contract there is apprenticeship program for 6,000 hours. The new driver trainee program is 2,000 hours. It is the most unsafe situation that has come along in years, and Conco supported it .  Number 1. The company must pay a flat rate for the health insurance immediately. Therefore it will only make sense to hire on the first of the month once the contract is in place for a year. ((read it) it changes.) Then if the trainee does not make it, the union takes the money. (I suppose this is slush money for them)  There is no probationary period for the new employees. Benefits start immediately. Now ask yourself what is the rate of turnover of new employees in the industry?  Why should 302 benefit from this to line their pockets? ?  Where does Allen Darr get his money from? Why would the General Contractors of Washington want to reinburse the pump companies to benefit 302?  After all, in the end all the monies come from the customer.

Number 2,  Now, As far as the safety. Stop!  How does a new pump truck driver trainee learn to pump concrete in one year?  Conco signed, for whatever reasons. However in the process He diluted the entire Pump Industry and took the value of experienced operators,  as yourselves to a one year,  2000 hour program. This would be similar to saying, someone could be a doctor in 2 years.  Just nonsense!  Imagine someone that is coming into the industry that does not even have a CDL. How long does it take to get that person to a position of pumping with a 52 or 60 meter boom on a bridge deck with Class A concrete?  What are the contractors going to think;  a pump operator is equal to a laborer? The union will not even have a program.  NO! It takes an expert to get the job done. The whole mess sets the industry back.  Mike Cusack and Conco are in the wrong in forming this relationship with 302 by themselves. The pump companies are wrong in trying to have the operators in the labors union, but they see no other options. OE-3 I have seen countless times from the pictures you post, the immaculate condition you take of Berkley’s equipment. You are an expert!. Taking care of the equipment involves caring. You can be a professional and get through pours but to be an expert you must take care of the employer’s equipment. You went through the process,.. 1. amateur, 2. novice, 3.professional and then to an 4. Expert . (A skilled specialist) You deserve everything you earn, plus.  How long does that take?. Why put the wrong idea in someone’s head coming into the industry. ( you can do this in a year.) After one year they are still a novice, at best. There is already too many operators that believe they can run controls after one month. The future of the Pump Industry is Safety, and apprenticeship. Why not have specific plans? It appears from everything I have read 302 is out for themselves,  I believe they call that greed? Maybe that is what is wrong with the whole picture?

Bob 02-03-2008
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\"Challenging someone for the truth is keeping it civil.  I stated that everyone should do their own research to find the truth and then speak intelligently once they have all the facts.  One cannot be more civil then by asking for only the truth - Don\'t you agree?\"

The truth is relative to your aspect. This is not a venue for challenge, It is a discussion board.

The opinion of OE-3 is his truth. All I ask is that you tone down on the demands and challenges. Thanks

OE Local 3 02-03-2008
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Phoenix / S.L. ,

You make some good points thanks for being honest and up front. I truely just want to see my fellow pump Operators Happy:-). I also understand the Owners/managers point of views. Especially in todays world. I do have to say though things are sure alot different down my way. I am very partial to being Union as stated before I am Third Generation Proud, it runs in my blood. But I am also very proud of what I do every day ,and who I work for. I would not change it for anything. I am a happy man !

have a great week

