Reed Issues
Goose2448 03-20-2012
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Well today we had a major issue in the middle of a pump.  I did not relize what was excatly going on until we were finished, but I suppected something.  Nothing unuseal, 125' of line and only up 7 feet.  It was pumping like I was up about 600 feet though.  Coming in short burst and having to up the throttle to get it flowing.  I could see the S-Tube gague from where I was, and it looked a little low.  We finished the pour, there were only about 3 yards left when I noticed the issue.  While cleaning out I gave it all a good look.  The S-Tube was barely moving and only getting about half of the concrete that was in the cylinder.  The pressure was only about 500-600, not the useal 2500.  Drive pressures were good for the material that was there.  I washed out, and checked it again, and it was still doing the same thing.  After I got it home, I checked it once more, and still the same thing.  I think it a little more than a filter.  I am starting to think its either the S-Tube hyd cylinder or the control box.  This must have been devloping for the past month or so because I thought everyonce and a while that it was "short stroking" but could never find the issue.  It is going to Earl, the man we bought it from, in the morning as it is only 3 months old and is well within its 1 year warrenty.  It has 209.0 Hours as of today and between 1200 and 1300 yards though it.  

Picture from today, not the best place to set up, but the only option we had.

concreteluvr 03-20-2012
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don't stress. With Reed you are in good hands. Earl will get it worked out.

Goose2448 03-20-2012
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I am not overly worried, my boss might be a little bit though.  We have a big pour coming up on Friday, and we picked up another pour mid day Thursday at our biggest jobsite we have right now, where everything has to be the way it has to be.  I suspect this is something major and could take a little while to fix.  If it is, I guess I will be sitting on the sidelines putting up safety rail....LMFAO.  I doubt that it is related to how it is treated, because it gets better treatment than I do and thats no joke.  I will keep yall updated on what we find.

hammah 03-21-2012
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Check the pressure reliefe solonoid not sure where it might be on that pump but on the reed i run its mounted on the hydraulic tank above the water box. Maybe you just take that out and clean it its probably sticking.

ALMIMA 03-21-2012
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I had a simmilar issue to my pump (Putzmeister). It took the mechanic less then 1 min. to repair it, it was only to adjust the hydraulicflow-screw on the mainhydraulicpump. It was also when the pump was almost new. After that, not any problem at all.

I will follow this post - very interesting. 

Goose2448 03-21-2012
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It took Earl less than 5 mins to find the problem this morning.  The Hyd Cylinder that switches the S-Tube back and forth is crap.  Somthing inside has let go.  Once we pluged the lines for it, the pressure was back where it should have been.  We had to wait till 10 am EST to call Reed, to wich they were not open yet.  Called them back a few mins later, and the cylinder is on it's way.  It has been overnighted and I really hope it shows up in the morning like it is supposed to.  As it is under warrenty the part is covered, but apperenty Reed is not going to cover the shipping, which makes no sence.  It looks like they may have changed suppliers for that part, as the part number on it is slightly different from the book.  From the shorts of what Earl said, they tried to save a little money, and got a cheaper bulit product.  While I still love the thing, it has cost our company a lot of money just for this one issue just so Reed could save $10.  I just hope that the new one is yellow to match the rest, because that would be the worst part.

Goose2448 03-21-2012
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Check the pressure reliefe solonoid not sure where it might be on that pump but on the reed i run its mounted on the hydraulic tank above the water box. Maybe you just take that out and clean it its probably sticking.

That was the first thing we checked this morning, and they were good.  Ours is located under the Radiator.

I had a simmilar issue to my pump (Putzmeister). It took the mechanic less then 1 min. to repair it, it was only to adjust the hydraulicflow-screw on the mainhydraulicpump. It was also when the pump was almost new. After that, not any problem at all.

I will follow this post - very interesting. 


That only controls the Drive Cylinders, not the S-Tube.  The S-Tube should always have the same pressure to swing it back and forth.  That adjustment is key.  Too much and you could kill a worker, and not enough and you dont have any flow.  That is a fine adjustment that takes time to know where to set.  I am still learning on that one.

crete 03-21-2012
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How many line pumps have a gauge for the swing tube?

Goose2448 03-21-2012
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I am pretty sure all of the Reeds do.  The others I am not too sure about.  We are going to do a full set of gagues here at some point.  The more gagues the better I always say.

ALMIMA 03-22-2012
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I agree, the more gauges the better! I only have one gauge for the pumpcylinder on my Putzmeister linepump, but i would like to have gauges for presaure and heat on both oils/coolantwater and a gauge that shows how much diesel i have in the tank.....or why not, a whole panel  that looks like a dashboard in a Peterbilt-truck. 

Goose2448 03-22-2012
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It came in this morning and is working pretty good.  But its not yellow.  Guess we will have to paint it.  

ALMIMA 03-23-2012
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Haha, paint don´t make the spareparts to work as you whish. I hope my googleplate not will be worned out if i paint it in limegreen colour....but i hope.