REED-pump VS Putzmeister, Schwing and Cifa.
ALMIMA 02-15-2011
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 We don´t have REED-concretepump in Sweden and i don´t know more than i´ve read about them on their homesite. But we have Putzmeister, Schwing and Cifa. They are all very good pumps but how good is REED compare to them? And my question counts both line and boom-pumps.


SUPERDOFFER 02-15-2011
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I believe Reed and Waitzinger are the same pumps

ALMIMA 02-15-2011
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Sorry, We don´t have Waitzinger-pumps either in Sweden, so i don´t know anything about them.

REEDPumps 02-15-2011
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hello - I see on your website that you're running line pumps, so I assume you're asking about those. We have MANY different models that we sell - here's the basic rundown:

REED A Series - these small pumps are a great bang for the buck. These are all powered by an 82 hp (61kW) Perkins Diesel (powerful for pumps this small) - we have customers in Russia who use these powerful small pumps to go 10 storeys vertically. The A Series pumps are built to be an excellent value - they weigh about 4600-4800 lbs (2100-2200kg)

REED B Series - these are powered by a 110 or 130 hp (82-97kw) Cummins Diesels. They also have more concrete pressure than the A Series - so being more powerful and having more pressure, they can pump faster, further, and the oversized hydraulic pumps (huge 140cc Hydraulic Oil Pump on B50 and B50HP - mean that they're putting out a LOT of oil, which allows you to keep the RPMs of the machine very low, which allows you to keep the motor at the perfect torque range (it's like a day at the beach for the motor). The B Series pumps have a SUUUPER heavy-duty frame and axle - they have a LOT of steel reinforcement in the back of the hopper/tie rods, etc - so these pumps weigh from 6000 lbs - 7000lbs (2700-3100kg). They are built like tanks, and will last pretty much forever. Used for going up to 20 storeys, or commercial shotcrete, or flatwork (B70).

REED C Series - these have a 160 horsepower or 220 horsepower Cummins Diesel to power them, and HUGE hydraulic pumps...these are generally purchased for contractors who have some pretty extreme pumping jobs (pumping in tunnels and mines for thousands of feet, going 30 storeys or more vertically, building dams, dual-nozzle shotcreting, Hayward-Baker soil stabilizing). The bonus is that the Cummins on these is so quiet that you can have a conversation next to it while it's pumpnig full volume.

If you take a look at this image, you can get an idea of the performance calculations of many of the different models we offer. As a general rule, the REED Pumps are more powerful (horsepower and hydraulic/concrete pressure) and very heavy-duty than everyone else's pumps. We have excellent assemblers, welders, the best engineers in the business (see ). We are also known for having a very responsive/timely/helpful parts and department too...

If you're coming to the ConExpo show in Las Vegas next month, we're at booth S-800 (near Schwing) - we'd love to see you there!

Mike Newcomb
REED Concrete Pumps
Tel: 909-287-2100

ALMIMA 02-15-2011
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Thanks for your answer Reedpump. I´m interrested in REED-pumps, most the A-series, but there are no one in Sweden who sell and hold spareparts to them. So i don´t know if it´s a point to import a REED-pump for my own when there is no sparepartdealer in Sweden. To order only one S-tubering or a brakeshoe etc. from USA to Sweden is too costly. Sorry that no one sell REED-pumps in Sweden - but i understand that Sweden-market is too small. I´m pleased with my Putzmeister P715, but i want to try some other fabricate. Cifa PC 40-6A is also an alternative, but i believe that REED-pump is better....

Vasa 02-15-2011
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It runs atleast 5 boompumps from Watzinger in Sweden , Börjes Betongpumpning 42m , Willes Betongpumpning 35-5m , Calles Betongpumpning 37m , Ahlseröds industrigolv 24 or 28 m , Lidköpings Betongfrakt 41m and Kvarnbäcken has 1 pumpmixer I think it is a 26 or 28 m , maybe some more that I've dont seen or heard about . And what I've heard and seen live they pump very well , I think I have some video of Wille pumping in 40-50 m 3" hose in the videosection . Tobias Watzinger is a very nice person and the Swedish service guy Uno Ågren has many year in the pumpingindustri . Uno sells Watzinger.... They have trailerpumps to but how they are I dont know , never operated one....

Vasa 02-15-2011
reply profile send pm notify Unos tel nr , hälsa fr Vasa om du ringer honom!

Vasa 02-15-2011
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Almima , OLIN pumps ? I have a friend with 2 I think 5-45 model . And it is Linköping. Btgfrakt inte Lidköping....

ALMIMA 02-15-2011
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Thanks Vasa for the information. I didn´t know that there is so many watzinger-pumps in Sweden - i know for sure that there is no one in Stockholm-area. I looked at Watzingers homesite and i didn´t see any small linepump (20 - 35 m3/hour) with a weight around 2000 - 2300 kg. So i will look around if i find a pump that fits my wishes. Sany-pump is not an option, that pump is just a Putzmeister-copy with a Koreantouch = lots of problem and i don´t want to pay to get me problems...exept for my wonderful wife of course... 

ALMIMA 02-15-2011
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Thanks Vasa! Olin-pump is also an interesting option. I will call Linköpings btg-frakt and hear if they are satisfied with their Olin-pump. I´ve never heard about Olin-pump, that is new for me. In Stockholm-area is it only Putzmeister, Schwing, Cifa, Sany and Saraka pump in use. Thats why i don´t know so much about other brand of pumps. 

Vasa 02-15-2011
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Linköpings btg frakt har en Waitzinger 41m mastpump... Mats på VästSvenskBetongkonsult har Olin pumpar.

ALMIMA 02-15-2011
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Nu är det nog inte många på forumet som förstår våra meddelanden, men det är ändå inget som berör dom ändå. Men då vet jag var jag ska få fram alla fakta om Olin-pumpar. Stort tack för hjälpen! 

biged 02-15-2011
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ALMIMA   get your hands on and OLIN and you will be very happy I own a 5/45 ball valve line pump, I just changed the balls and seats at 950 hours poly paks last about 300 hour or more and are very easy to change,takes about and hour, I used used HDY oil for my wet box I change it about once a month depending on how much I pump, look at mine on Todd new deal show me your pump, I built mine out that way, I use all 2 1/2 inch hose, Vasa know's a lot about OLIN.

REEDPumps 02-15-2011
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We sell REED Pumps all over the world - if you can think of a country, there's a very good chance we have a REED Pump there...

Truls Wetterhus A/S is the official REED Dealer for Norway and Sweden. - he sells the REED pumps mostly for industrial applications (refractory shotcrete spraying)

Waitzinger has sold about 15 small REED Trailer Pumps (or flatpacks) over the past few years (he doesn't make any that small himself) - see

We have a dealer in the UK ( ) we also have dealers in Russia, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, etc - -

DHL ships anywhere...and we never have any trouble getting parts to even the most remote parts of the world...the good news is that the REED Pumps are VERY VERY reliable. So, you really don't have to worry about getting parts...there's really a very small list of spare parts for the trailer pumps (I can email you the list if you'd like, with prices)...

Bottom line is this - please don't let distance from the factory determine which pump you guy. We ship out parts all over the world every single day...and most of our sales these days are outside the U.S...

Mike Newcomb
REED Concrete Pumps

ALMIMA 02-15-2011
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Biged, i looked at Olin homesite, and it was interesting reading. I have no experience of ballpumps, but i´ve read that the hose is not whipping so much with a ballpump - and that is very good, saves a lots of hoses to worn out on the outside. And one more you use used hydraulic-oil in the wetbox? Is it not damage the gaskets to the pistons? Well, if it´s ok for the gaskets to do that, then i know were i should pour every gallon of used hydraulic-oil. Now at the winterseason i have to mix the water with windscreen washerfluid to keep the water from freezing to ice.

ALMIMA 02-15-2011
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Thanks for your answer Reedpump! It´s not so far away for me to travel to Norway - just a daytrip (or more). And it´s very easy for us Swedish people to understand their language. I think that my pump-problem is solved. A big thank you for all answers. 

biged 02-15-2011
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Save all of your HDY oil and it doesn't hurt your seals or O rings the surge chamber stops all the hose movement rock size is any size that passes threw a 1/2 screen and 1,300 pounds max of rock ,1,644 sand,564 cement,175 lbs flyash if no ash up cement WRA- 36 oz/cyd,AEA 7 %/cyd  4,000 to 5,000 psi.

biged 02-15-2011
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ALMIMA  heres my line pump set up

ALMIMA 02-16-2011
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Biged, that is the coolest pump i ever seen - i realy mean it! It´s so cool to have an umbrella and an old driverseat to sit and wait in the shade for the mixer-truck. I realy like your pump - a brand new shining Putzmeister with polished rims, is not half as cool.

biged 02-16-2011
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Right at Christmas time I mounted a 4,000 watt generator up front cause I have had to finish pumping in the dark not any more now I got 8 150 watt quartz lite two per corner about 10 ft high and the first job I pumped in 2011 it was 20 degrees so I took my 70 btu forced air heater and stayed warm not many guys can have that, I learned a long time ago you make you own conditions, plus the 250 gallon water tank in front of the pump is heated in the winter, just plug it in at night just like a home hot water heater, I built it all my self.except the trailer I could have built it but was cheaper to buy than build, I built the truck bed also.