richie bros
grass hopper 04-15-2009
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does anybody know when and where the auction is for pumpco's pumps?

Many 04-15-2009
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TooTall 04-15-2009
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 Go to richie bros website There are several different dates sheduled in May and June for different branches from Texas to Georia...

DCPump 04-15-2009
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189 Concrete pump Trucks

21 Trailer pumps

15 Placing Booms

(Not all Pumpco)


green gold 04-15-2009
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I will be supprised if not at least 70 percent of these pump's are not exported.  

johnjohnjohn 04-15-2009
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not to disparage pumpco or anyone who's going out of business (i feel for you) but maybe it's a good thing all of these pumps are getting sold off or sent overseas or whatever. the market is over saturated and that's putting a lot of us career/professional operators out of work because we demand a higher rate of pay due to our experience and knowledge. too many companies have put too many people to work who's only qualification is that they can stay awake. my boss has realized that, and not only is he down sizing his fleet he has kept his BEST operators. i truly work for the best company in east texas.