Seed | 04-21-2010 | comment profile send pm notify |
No harness, Hardhats and system is hanging by a clamp on the edge of the block? Someone is going to get it for this one! |
pumpjockey | 04-21-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
Young, invincible and foolish, 10 feet tall and bulletproof to boot!
What would be the result if it plugged, released and whipped? |
hammah | 04-21-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
LOL gotta be a residential job ive done it like that many times myself. I never had an accident doing it like this i make sure to watch the movement and flow of the line and listen to the pump to catch any changes of either of these and turn the pump off or reverse. Im not saying its safe but if you know what your doing then its not a problem. |
Seed | 04-21-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
I have to strongly disagree! The weight of the hose empty is bad enough! Fill it with concrete? The steel clamp above the guys head that has the hose wrapped around his neck? A 200 lb man 10 ' above everyone? Once false move or accident and everyone could have been injured? Do these people even have insurance? I am no saint but the few times I risk it be it no boom strap or missing one pin make me ill the whole time! I no longer use any metal on the end of my boom thanks to the guys that have told me better! Everyone is getting used to it. Be safe and protect your brothers, crew, the industry! I guess I am the one giving the hell? Sorry man, No disrespect!
seed |
PumpKid_88 | 04-22-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
not sayin yall aint right but my men on the ground are highly edd man that mans holdin the hose on the ground been pumping concrete for 30 years and he woodint kink the hose cuz im his son and the man rnning the pump knows the noise to here for nvr ment 4 the video to be dissed just showin yall the fun time iv been havein but the man that welded that hook for me is dam good and its still hold and its about a year old now and all iv been doin lintles with it on a dayly bases |
hammah | 04-22-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
You guys spend too much time on a boom 2 inch line aint heavy at all these guys knew what they were doing i know walking the wall aint safe but besides that they knew what they were doing hey 88 im a line pumper of 9 years man from what i seen its cool i do it the same way.
These boom operators think a clamp is heavy ahahahahaha. |
Boom Inspector | 04-22-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
hey where's the video ? did pumpkid 88 remove it ? |
N.D.Fuccillo | 04-22-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
line makes you a man lol |
Mudslinger | 04-22-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
PK: If that's your Dad,and he has 30 yrs in this biz and he helps you do dumb shit like this,you both need some serious help! Look at the stub steel in the wall on the right! A wrong move and you're done,son! You are a one horse outfit,and if you get hurt,who's gonna feed the kiddies? You and your dad should be thinkin about the future...Isn't that why you bought a pump,to provide a good life for your family?? Getting racked up kinda defeats the purpose doesn't it?? |
N.D.Fuccillo | 04-22-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
Even when you do everythin right....still... one wrong move can happen even with perfect conditions, safety percautions, and set up |
Seed | 04-22-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
One of the biggest benefactors of the now three sites the industry has is the intense focus on safety! When we discuss as a group the possible Dangers, Risks and liability it helps us all become better operators. As I said before I used run a double 90 but no longer thanks for the education from sites like this. Back in the day I would run with no boom strap. After years of being in a group that puts focus on safety I am truly a better operator! Special thanks goes out to Mr. Bob Sanderson for his safety focus! No one likes to be on the hot seat but we are all there at some point it is what you do after the fact! Listening to the machine or not if the line would have jammed and whipped all three of you could have been taken out. No hard hats, Glasses, tie downs, Staging, Safety rails? Just be safe! |
mez | 04-22-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
where is the video |
PumpKid_88 | 04-22-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
i took the vo off cz im tired of every one on this site downing me i no im young i no im new to this world but for the 5 years iv been around it i do a dam good job might look un safe but it isint u think i wood walk the wall if it was unsafe u think i wood put some one one in danger if there was any danger around i woodint u guys are to use to pushing bottons most of yall are just button pushers any ways i only no a few real opr any ways most of yall just started on a boom and i seen some dum shit in my time of pumping and what about yalls fuck up so try to start some shit with some one els cuz it aint right ever since i got on this site iv had ppl make fun of me and every thing els |
N.D.Fuccillo | 04-22-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
get what your young to and have hardly any experience and got critisized the other day...dont let others intimidate you....i really enjoy this site and learn from others and you should do the same....most people on here are great and give a lot of great input |
pumpjockey | 04-22-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
It's just that walking a wall is so blatantly unsafe this day and age.
Like I stated before, young and invincible.
In 15 years or so you will realize this and understand. I'm sure you lift a lot of heavy stuff, and you figure you can handle it, and jump from heights, the future, you will start to feel very old in your bones, every little bit of overexertion and stress impact takes it's toll. You will feel old before your time. |
N.D.Fuccillo | 04-22-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
I feel what your saying pumpjockey....after years of working and startin to fall apart haha....i know what you mean and understand your point |
pumpjockey | 04-22-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
Yeah, years after the fact you realize what damage you did do to your back and knees trying to save a bit of time or do it without assistance.
Too soon old, too late smart!! |
N.D.Fuccillo | 04-22-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
haha....never heard that quote before |
hammah | 04-22-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
Nice quote Jockey. I agree with 88 about the button pushers. From my little time i spent running pumps in Vegas I ran into a few of them. You know throughout my years i notice line pumpers getting the bad end of the deal. What i mean is things like clean up, space, water, SAFETY! and so on. Dont get me wrong there are contractors out there that treats both boom and line pumpers the same. I ran line pumps most of my carreer but only 7 months on a boom but still i know it well enough to say what im about to say. Basicaly from my experience i noticed boom pumps getting better treatment then line pumps. I know its of the suject kinda but what i mean to say is people out there ask so much out of a line pump and yet get treated like dirt. We can put concrete where a boom cant go get in thight spots also and yet lack all the respect boom pumps get. Im really spilling out my guts here i hope i make sense but those of you on here that had run a line pump long enough to know what im talking about i know you know what i mean. The only way this kind of practice or any kind of unsafe practice can stop is if it all stops and no one does it otherwise the contractors are gonna just use the next person that does it. |
Redman1 | 04-23-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
pk88 don't let the bad mouthin get ya down. Happened to me when I first started posting. I am a line pumper, and not the only one, there are lots of us here. I got ripped on for hose under a wooden ramp on a sidewalk, got called stupid for asking maintenance related questions just to name a few. Just remember there are people out there that we just won't get along with. Take it with a grain of salt and let it go... it's not worth getting mad about. On another note, I have learned tons of things from this site. Some things I was doing and thought were safe I reevaulated because of what was said to me from this site. My2 Cents: take the info you get from this site and learn from it, wheather you change your ways or not, just remember it and take it with you on every job. Also, I probably don't need to tell you this... be selective on what your postin. Pump on. |
pudg | 04-23-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
i didnt see the video,but ran a linepump for years and yes respect goes down on the linepump until they see you know what your doing,but calling us button pushers cmon thats like callin the kettle black you have one button,on and off,so no need for foolish accusations,safety is safety no matter what equipment you are on,30 years or 2 weeks we should all use a little common sense when it comes to safety, if you think your invincable your wrong speaking from a former 10 ft tall and bulletproof kind of guy,when you hit your late 30s early 40s that shits gonna catch up with you,speaking from a guy with complete reconstruction of one knee,the other needing it ,some hernias and things I havent found out yet,stop,listen and learn these guys are just looking out for you and yours best interest. |
PumpKid_88 | 04-23-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
well never i wood think im un untouchable but im sayin the way i do my thing gits the job dne and talkin about safe theres a pic in here with a guy not even 10 feet from the power line so lets talk about safe there and butten pusher wen i do say that i mean to say that to the ones that cant fix the pump wen it is down or trubble fix it thats a butten pusher lol so boom guys dnt take me the rong way i no yall have a hard job to trust me i seen my dad walk in the door on a friday night after a 70 hour week and cant even keep his eyes open nor play catch with his son i no its hard but what i did was never un safe and u can keep sayin it is but it wasint i ran walls all my time many diff ways im not sayin i know every thing cuz every day u learn some thing new ya know but what im sayin is i got guys sayin walkin ways are un safe and yall are up north how we do it in the south is a diff way yall do it up there u can walk a wall over here with OUT ANY Safety STUFF on so yeh thats my point but if imma keep gitin raged on about how the job is done then eff that whats the point on posting any thing i mean iv learned some stuff on here and out there but never said one word about how yall are doing your job i mean u do it ur way and i got a way i can do it what im sayin is take to pump guys out there to do the same job bet ur bottom doller there gonna set up 2 diff places hope u under stand where i comeing from |
pudg | 04-23-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
it doesnt matter where your from, you keep making foolish statement which is kinda leading me to believe you maybe foolish,no matter north south east west, walking a wall with a 2" hose with no harness is foolish,I am from south louisiana and from experiences and lawsuits a hoseman cannot walk a wall without being either on a scaffolding,or having fall protection,when osha pops you and fines you and your company for performing unsafe acts you will see where these guys are coming from,I am not trying to give you a hard time just trying to be honest with you and as a fellow pumper from me with best intentions man please dont walk a wall 6 ft or higher without fall protection or scaffolding,I have visited a couple of guys in the hospital that didnt see the dangers of what you were doing. |
fowlmood | 04-23-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
if you had to build it everyday and break it down every day you would no that is the best pump education availbe i batched concrete drove mixer 4 yrs started on a trailer pump in 2000 will run any thing available t belt tp or boom pump still run my share of trailer pump and the tp is less headache than any boom we have 4 booms 31 to 47 and one bad ass 1000x truck mounted tp 3 operaters if hadnt run tp twice this week wouldnt made 40 i hate pre madannaz pete etheridge
N.D.Fuccillo | 04-23-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
3635 members on this site means 3635 different ways |
FunnyBoom | 04-24-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
I work for Baker Concrete and they have a policy of 100 percent tie off. If your feet leave the ground you are to be tied off. But the industry standards are usually 4-6 feet. It was not too long ago in one of our morning meetings they passed around a news article about a construction death. In the process of pouring a short wall I believe it was only 4 feet a man fell and the back of his head caught a stake I believe it was. The man died instantly. It only takes a split second. I'm sure he thought he was being safe as well. Nobody is trying to rag on you or talk down to you because you are a tp operator. Just looking out for you. Some may have better communication skills than others but in the long haul they all just wanna see you a fellow op make it home safe to your family every night! |