Signal loss from my wireless remote.....any help would be nice
just-in-time 02-12-2011
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I have been having some trouble with my signal on my wireless remote. It will be fine for one job, then the next job it loses signal every few strokes. It seems to me whenever im boomed into a building or on a mezi i cant get to far away from my pump or it shuts off, what is a trouble shoot for this or the cause, i have bought new batteries and cleaned all points of contact on the terminals.......please any suggestions

just-in-time 02-12-2011
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i guess i should tell you guys/gals that the pump im having trouble with is a 2003 36z puetz

pumper chuck 02-12-2011
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check inside comie box for loose connectors and antenna wire to reciever .then inside remote for same

pink panther 02-12-2011
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Try standing where you can always see the antenna. If it works fine, then you know it is a problem between your remote and the atenna. A few years ago I had to move my antenna to the turret so it was always in the open and not obstructed instead of having it mounted to the deck.

Travelteck 02-12-2011
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2 Things to start with

1 Check the antenna and its connection, Is the center conductor wire still there or is it broken off in the socket?  Also check the connection for fit is it loose or are the grounding spades broken? Have you tried a different antenna?  the length is matched for the frequency.

The type of remote indicates size of antenna. Take a pic of your antenna and try to show inside the plug end of it if you can. You can post it or e-mail me direct Either way is fine

If you look at  the receiver it has a window with LED’s in it, when you drop out look at the window and see what if any lights are on.

You should have a red and yellow then when you turn on the remote it starts to communicate and turns green. Test this in the yard and see the sequence, then if you loose signal it will go back to red. Then you need to turn off and back on to reconnect.

There are a lot of things that can affect this.

If you are in a wet area look inside the Receiver for water leaking through the antenna base onto the cards, 4 allen screws and look at the top card without disturbing it, this  should show you if the receiver has been leaking. The Picture of the open box you can see the bottom of the antenna plug, look for evidence of water if you see it Not good it will need to go to PMA for repair.


2 If you are loosing voltage this will also cause you to go to e-stop and it acts like you are loosing signal, Example: you are pouring and have the pump on, you start using boom sections 1 arm is ok then 2 or 3 together and the remote drops out, this can be a voltage drop issue to the e-stop not a remote frequency issue.

I did a post on testing this that might prove helpful.

On the left side of main page is a list of “Helpful Resources” click on the safety tab, then find “Having Putzmeister e-stop issues. This will help you test for this kind of issue


You will get through this another help is a friend of mine  Mark  in the Remote repair dept at PMA CSG you can call and get help with remote issues from him also 800 890 0269.


Travelteck 02-12-2011
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Travelteck 02-12-2011
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I believe you need to have the short version, but before changing I will need to confirm with your Remote serial number. But these are the 2 common antenna's

lucky phil 02-12-2011
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I have the same hbc 735 remote on my Callaghan, it had a similar problem which turned out to be a faulty battery, loss of power for a split second turns everything off as a safety precaution. Also if the unit picks up a signal from another source on the same frequency it will turn off! try changing frequency with the dial on your remote.

eugene 02-12-2011
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i have noticed with my thom katt if i lose siginal for a moment there is like a 20 second delay and it will shut off but not a equipment problem

bignasty 02-14-2011
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Is it a 24 volt if so check all your grounds in the box with the transformers.

Granddad 02-15-2011
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   Those pins where the battery makes contact slide in and out.  The actual contact is the ring those pins slide in and out of.  Over the course of time those pins become worn going to the same position.  Try using a thin wedge to make the pins slide further in and make a better contact.  If this works order new contacts for your remote,[putz has them in stock].  Just remember if this is the problem order the new contacts because you will eventually run out of travel on those pins and then its off to the hardwire you go until the new contacts show up.  Know this from personal experience.