slippery mud
Mr.HighRise 02-07-2011
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it never fails as soon as i clean my wheels im sent to a muddy job or clean my hopper ill get a long slow pour

Mr.HighRise 02-07-2011
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Mr.HighRise 02-07-2011
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Mr.HighRise 02-07-2011
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Mr.HighRise 02-07-2011
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Mr.HighRise 02-07-2011
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Mr.HighRise 02-07-2011
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Todd 02-07-2011
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I love those scater blankets or end dipers or what ever you call them. I think all the pumps should be using them.

bignasty 02-07-2011
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I would think dunnage wouldve been the topic brought up, or lack of

Todd 02-07-2011
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It does look like a bit of dunnage could of been used. Oh wait we are no longer supposed to call it dunnage, its now called Cribbing.

Well that is what I am told anyway. Dunnage is what you put in the bottom of a boat, cribbing is what you put under a crane outrigger or a concrete pump outrigger.

And yes his outrigger pad is sinking a bit in the mud so some cribbing would of been in order.

Last year a local operator told me that he does not get paid enough to put out Cribbing. 

I am just getting used to saying Cribbing, Cribbing Cribbing. Dang I like the word dunnage better. Cribbing sounds so English, (no offense to you guys on the island)

Many 02-07-2011
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Nice looking unit,bad thing is trying to pop the pads back up.Yes,those blast nets are awsome.

Dipstick 02-07-2011
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Well thats what its made for.. A work horse ;-) It should get dirty every day. Than you know your making money!!

Pop up the dunnage with your outriggers.. In such soft mud I'm sure they can handle it if you know what your doing..

Mr.HighRise 02-07-2011
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its actually pretty deceptive only the top 4 inches is soft soil the rest is hard pan but could always use a lil more dunnage/cribbage. and dont get me wrong i love getting her all muddy and shinning her up once the day is over

TooTall 02-07-2011
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Aw c'mon now Mr.HighRise? I see a couple timbers up on the deck.. Climb yerAss up there and use 'em if you're gonna pose for pix! At least do it for some elevation on the front end to get your water back & clear the deck pipe good? 

JDR47 02-07-2011
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Many, I like the term "blast net"  I call it a "Shrapnel Bag"

Good looking pump highrise.

baddassduramax 02-07-2011
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i dont even use pads, way over rated, he can tell the ground is plenty firm for only pads and no dunnage. besides that pump will probably go bye bye sooner or later anyway

Todd 02-07-2011
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be nice, i am really glad he posted the pictures. I love these operators bunch of good guys.

Mr.HighRise 02-07-2011
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TooTall next time ill take a pic of my sight gauge and show you i was perfectly level, with the 39s there is so much drop in the deck pipe they practically clean themselves, she dings like a church bell on sunday morning

bigstick 02-07-2011
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Duramax, it you ain't gonna play nice, you gotta go in time out for awhile.  Smile.

Toby 02-07-2011
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Many 02-07-2011
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next time ill take a pic of my sight gauge and show you i was perfectly level, with the 39s there is so much drop in the deck pipe they practically clean themselves, she dings like a church bell on sunday morning

Love those 39's,don't know what ever happend to 1295 twin steer.

Matthew 02-08-2011
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Nice pics highrise. Hate the mud myself!

TooTall 02-09-2011
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I'm just pullin your whip hose HiRise. If you could split that 39m I'd say there's a chance it used to be mine. I know 'em well, had one of the first 39 detaches in Seattle. 

CaSsE 02-09-2011
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How old are theese 39s without S riggers? Havent seen X 39s in the 11 years i worked for schwing =)

Mr.HighRise 02-09-2011
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its an 06' got her brand new been runnin her ever since

TooTall 02-09-2011
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Must be a Schwing 'America' thing CaSse?

JDR47 02-09-2011
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There is enough lumber under the front tires to build a small house. It just kept pushing down.

biged 02-09-2011
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Put more dunnage under the riggers a raise her out of the mud then get lots of gravel under the wheels, Man that was a mess, did the contractor have to pull you out.

JDR47 02-09-2011
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We used everything available on site to get it out. The back tires  just wouldn't grab due to the fact mixers made a slippery mess back there. We ended up using 4 bags of lime and believe it or not a 3/4 ton Chevy 4x4 just to get me over the curb. When I came in I was too fast and didn't get stopped in time to keep one axle on the street.

Big Tobacco 02-11-2011
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Hey Too Tall,

I'll vouche for the kid... his deck pipe does ring like a church bell on a Sunday morning. Just make sure you tap in one spot so you "don't chip the paint"! LOL!!!