"THE HAMMER" | 07-02-2010 | comment profile send pm notify |
Guys, I just stood up to my boss and told him to cine to my jobsite and run my pump. He was told by an engineer not to run this boom because the engineer found cracks in it yesterday. My boss told mr it's safe. I told him after the recent accident here in lewisville tx, that I refuse to run this boom. He told me to get the job done. I then told him to F off and I'm leaving the pump on the job an he could come run it, and I hung up the phone. I then called the general mgr of my company and he told me not to Do a damn thing until I heard back from him. Needless to say, pump ne'er got set up and I'm headed back to shop. Guys, don't be afraid to stand up for yourself. A life is not worth the risk or money to run an unsafe pump. Everyone have a safe an fun 4th.
Matt |
Todd | 07-02-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
Good job, I hope you dont lose your job over this. |
Many | 07-02-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
Waytogo>>> that means good for you |
WHO?? | 07-02-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
NICE!!!....I did a little of that myself today ,Contractor would not shut up about me setting their walk behinds on the second story deck Behind a third story I just kept telling them "It's a concrete pump NOT a crane"...WITH my 47m STRECHED OUT,I said I will tell you what..Here is the number to my boss AND his boss,They say its OK we will set them, I (knoew the boss would have my back on this one LOL)They NEVER dialed the phone and Needles to say they found another way of getting their machines back there |
eugene | 07-02-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
come on the customer is allways right so tell them you do that kind of work setting stair cases for $1000- each, pay in advance ha ha. |
Concrete Gypsy | 07-03-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
Thanks for standing up for safety sake. I have turned down work in the past because it was unsafe or it couldn't be done without damaging the equipment. It sucks but if someone got hurt or killed I wouldn't want that on my mind. Good job have a safe 4th. |
getRdone | 07-03-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
gOOD FOR YOU AND SCREW THEM IF THEY WANT TO DO IT TELL THEM GO AHEAD. If you need work theres plenty on this website. |
boompumper | 07-04-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
HAMMER! i comend you for thinking of the safty of outhers. one thing well no manny things concern me but one stands out! if you in fact are so concerned about safty then why did you even take the pump to the job to begin with. do you realy think that was a fair move to put the customer in the middel of all this. like i said i comend you for standing up for safty! but as jobs are harder to come by that stunt of doing that on the job insted of in the yard could have lost your company a costomer. use tact if any enployee told me to go f myself i bet your bottom dollar they would have there final check. thank you for being safe! but be smart about it. |
"THE HAMMER" | 07-04-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
I made my effort to make it to the job. I made it to the job an hour early for that reason. I showed initiative to wanna do the job. I gave my boss ample time to get anoter pump on the job in time for concrete. I can turn the tables here, if you were/ are a boss, why would you put an operator in that position. Why would you send out a pump that you know is supposed to be shut down, due to cracks in the boom? Like you said, my life and others are worth more than just one customer or one job. I value my time at home with my family. I wouldn't have that luxury if I went out and ran that boom, knowing there are cracks. If I ran it knowing it was in that condition ad it fell and kille someone, that's my ass, not my boss. That's considered negligent homicide. Hope you stand up for someones safety someday just like I did. Happy Independence Day brother! |
boompumper | 07-05-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
HAMMER. i have been in your position! and as a fellow operator and a boss i would never alow a pump to leave my yard in a unsafe condition!!!! if a operator calls in and says any job or unit is unsafe the i will back my operator 100%. if a unit is placed out of service by a certified inspector. your dispach or operations manager may say go ahead and run the unit. however if you as a operator feel it is unsafe then the time to adress it is in the yard!!!! not on the job!!! i dont care if you showed up 5 hrs. early to your pour!! you are just as liable if anything would have gone wrong on that job even if they relived you with anouther operator! becouse you knew the unit was placed out of service and you still took it to the job! so to protect yourself your family and i hope all our felow workers. if and i hope it dosent ever happen agen say no befor you do your pretrip and drive to the job. |
boompumper | 07-05-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
i know my time with my family is verry inportant and spical to me as it is with most of us. i know that id have a hard time sleeping at nite if i drove a unit to a job with a craked boom and it broke and hurt or even worse killed someone. let alone having to tell my wife that were being sued over somthing that i could have stoped from happing in the first place. as for ware i come from 22years runing pumps 10 as a shop forman, 5 as a tech for putzmeister, and as a manager and safty officer who still runs a pump often. i respect the fact you said no. i personaly feel that you should have done it long befor the pump ever got to the job. so dont get me wrong it takes gut to tell your boss no. takes more to tell them no befor the pump ever leave the yard. on a diffrent note to all have a happy 4th please be safe we all want you back at work. |
schwing58 | 07-05-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
Sometimes the boss just has to learn the hard way. We had a job where we had to go down in some pillars with a 30 meter 4'' PLASTIC pipe. It was my first time at that specific job but they had done it like that about 5 times in the weeks before. I took the job because of the economical damage it would cause if i didn't. It was in the middle of nowhere about 2 hours from the factory.. About 40 yards was already on it's way. realy realy carefull, No one alowed under or in close range of the boom. Pump so slow that the pipe doesn't fill up and pull it out without ANY resistance. It went OK... But when I came back to the yard I told the boss that this was a VERY VERY BAD IDEA. And we should not do it anymore. But he decided otherwise.... The next time an other guy had to do it with his 45m... He came home with 3,5 sections on his truck and half a section on a trailer... Then, finaly the boss was convinced... It's such a difficult issue I think. Its a to big decicion for just the operator when the boss, the customer and the factory is screaming in your ear that you should do it. Saying no can mean 50.000 dollars damage only in the concrete, not even talking about the delay of the project, the cost of dumping the concrete etc etc. and they will probably send another guy to do it the next day. I think there should be MUCH more presure towards the owners of the pumps instead of the operators. Some operators are on there own only after some weeks of training!!! What do they know? They do everything when they are under pressure. If the owner/boss says its ok.. how can they know for sure its not? How can they decide than to cause that 50.000+ dollars damage? |
schwing58 | 07-06-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
I ment of course 5.000 for the crete.. But saying no unexpectedly CAN sometimes result in 10/20/30.000 dolars damage or more... |