fullyloaded | 01-20-2016 | comment profile send pm notify |
any tips |
fullyloaded | 01-20-2016 | reply profile send pm notify |
i thought most of you would have a suggestion of what I should be thinking about |
ShortStik | 01-20-2016 | reply profile send pm notify |
haha. that will be a week of curve balls for you. the oldest schwing ive ran was a 98 and it is a dinasour to the 2014 i had a look at on site(someone elses pump). had a hell of a pump kit on it. have fun lol enjoy technology. |
Dipstick | 01-21-2016 | reply profile send pm notify |
Get someone to give you an introduction to this pump otherwize you might not even get the boom in the air |
ShortStik | 01-21-2016 | reply profile send pm notify |
miss read. thought it was 2014 schwing. every thing is in the manual for operating the putz. ease into the proportionate joysticks. the boom will feel like spagetti if u start jerking it. the more sections u use at once the smoother it will move. if u are preheating ur boom off the truck exhaust, dont use a drop hose or use a shitty old hose. the hose will melt if the truck goes into regen. they kick hard so i always turn on the soft stroke. those pump kits have power so beware. its still just a pump. just has enough tech to get u to the moon |
Beast | 01-22-2016 | reply profile send pm notify |
get ready to be amazed at the smooth operation of this pump , and the technology do not let it intimidate you , read the operation manual , learning everything it will do is gonna blow your mind at first , but in the end its just another tool , take care of it and it will take care of you. |
fullyloaded | 01-22-2016 | reply profile send pm notify |
tks bud I really don't think it is that big of a issue but I've been running b/w for almost 15 years and could fix it myself 99% of the time because the old girl is mostly hydraulics and thats it ...the only issue is for myself the little things ..my old schwing made a different noise I KNEW IT now ,not so comfortable I finished a few jobs with proportional with guys that had to leave hard too get out of that TAP TAP TAP |