That time again...
crazycreter 10-27-2010
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crazycreter 10-27-2010
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Its that time of year again, the colder weather time...

time to post some tips for cold weather pumping...I know we did it last year buta refresher is always good too

Tip #1 move to a warmer climate!!!

But seriously, post your cold weather pumping tip,


Matthew 10-26-2010
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If it's the first time the RM company has run hot water batches that year, put down the second grate and close that hopper up! Might stop some of those nice fin chunks from drum expansion (MIGHT!!!).

Matthew 10-26-2010
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Oh yeah, the warmer climate thing works really well too.

Dipstick 10-27-2010
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MVCP 10-27-2010
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If you have extra time warm your boom pipe on the exhaust. Marke sure rock valve is centered so exhaust flows through the pipe.

drunkendave 10-27-2010
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Same old stuff. Insulate your pipes, take your water hose off(owners get pissed when you go through a couple spray nozzles a week).  a small 1L propane torch(for when the mixer shows up & all his valves are frozen solid), methyl hydrate, diesel conditioner. If you have a few hours between jobs & dont return to your shop, drain your water box. Guy who trained me froze er up solid in 3 hrs @ -20c. Also dont forget to bring the largest thermos full of coffee or hot chocolate when you head out for the day. Stay warm fellas!

yard whore 10-28-2010
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Take a little niacin to get the blood flowin and keep warm, extra socks, and I love these gloves called magic gloves one size fits all and u can still run the sticks and keep ur hands warm u can get em at wallmart for like 2 bucks for two pairs.

Many 10-29-2010
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Old man winter is a tough cookie.I might suggest taking all your water lines and insulating.I used to wrap old rags around the valves (and lines) from the water tank,including the big ball valve at tank.I would wrap the rags with duct tap to help it last the winter.It was mentioned to remove hose after pours,yep,keep in cab.Somewhere I have a pic of frozen water box.If you park outside one can cover walk and steps with a tarp.A little sand on deck walk and steps helps alot,slip and fall.One moght even carry some ice melt in a coffee can also,will work above 15*,don't forget the 3 point rule.Refresh your chaining up abilities,making sure chains are strainghtend.

Dipstick 10-29-2010
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I Love chains ;-)

stink21 10-29-2010
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suprised somebody hasnt raised hell bout the double 45 on the step beside the hopper in the 2nd pic

Todd 10-29-2010
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lol as long as it stays on the truck there is noting wrong with a double 45, its only bad when you put it on the end of a hose.