thats how we roll
Mr wibau 08-13-2009
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 1st set up 8 five inch pipes, 2 five inch double enders, 20m of 3 1/2 inch hose, 10m of 3 inch hose, 40m of 2 1/2 inch hose of the boom.

2nd set up 30m of 2 1/2inch hose, 50m of 2 inch hose of the boom.

i think it is al most time for some power crete boom power.

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Many 08-13-2009
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Wow,nice pic's.You folks must have mixes to die for,that's allot of hose out there.

Mr wibau 08-13-2009
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thanks many, no i would not say we had the best of mixers. look at it coming out of the truck. 

pumper chuck 08-13-2009
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nice pic's,tough mudd.roll on

Mr wibau 08-13-2009
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ended up being a light trip home one pipe less. haha

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Mr wibau 08-13-2009
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Many 08-13-2009
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They can't say you didn't get your monies worth out of that pipe.

TooTall 08-13-2009
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 I like the "BUY NOW" pic. No sense having all that boom unfolded in the air for no reason!

 Good thing you didn't catch that pipe ripping plug when you had her cranked up blasting that 30 foot concrete rainbow a few weeks ago!!!  

PourItOut 08-13-2009
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Run her till she blows!!!!!    Pour It Out!!!!

murf 08-13-2009
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nice pics ,was expecting to see pure p..s for a slump-not so!  Question- why so many different size pipes?

sammy 08-13-2009
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you think that cool? It's actualy stupid!!! almost 300 bar through 2"? "Stupid" and thats a fact!

sammy 08-13-2009
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 One less pipe taken home and blown. your a frikken idiot!

sammy 08-13-2009
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Point is, once you catch  a plug at 300 bar it's almost too late with any system below 4 inch rubber. For those that think its cool you should be tested! Or you should not be in business!

sammy 08-13-2009
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Pouritout... shesse nice coment for saftey!

ShortStik 08-13-2009
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that funny following your line.  i like up the scissor lift.  right on Mr Wibau.  thats some nice lookin mud to be pushin through all that line lol.  it must come out at a 50mm slump looks like fun in the sun

haha a little light,  could have thown off three more of those before the scale even noticed

b-alto 08-13-2009
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Good mud would have pumped at about 80 bar. Too much rock in it. I bet that mud had 1850lb per yd on the rock. Lucky you could push it at all. Try 1600lb rock or less. I do 1300lb with pea rock, it pumps like butter. 1450 lb with 3/4 minus through 175 ft of 2.5" hose. Every day.

bigstick 08-13-2009
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Oh my goodness. please will you idiots stop criticizing everything this guy does,  why do you think us old guys with many years experience dont post pictures?  Until you are there, you dont know anything about the situation.  He got the fuc!@#$ job done without anybody getting hurt.  Isn't that how we make our living?????

Trey 08-13-2009
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seriously, I dont see the big deal too. Ive blowen many a pipe due to ware, Ive seen thin pipe last another couple thousand yards. Lay off, pump on!!

Mr wibau 08-13-2009
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hey guys thanks for the comments.

murf not sure what you mean about different size gear. i just use what i have on board use as much big gear as possiable.

hey short just another beautiful day in queensland. little light saved me caring it back up the hill. haha.

b-alto we dont have a choice in the concrete blend you just say what size rock you want and away we go. 10mm being the smallest for this sort of work.

thanks bigstick feeling the love. you are right on the negitive people where not there so dont know what was going on. thanks mate.

thanks trey, no most people on here have not blown pipes before!!! haha. it does not bother me to put pxt like this up cause this is what is happing away from the computer.

sammy gee man i wont even bother with you, if you are going to act like a dick next time dont bother clicking on my post cause you are not welcome. i dont mind positive or negitive comments on here cause we are all here to see and learn more but when you are going to be like that i dont need that shit.



Mr wibau 08-13-2009
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sorry missed 2

thanks many, yep a few dollars went through it.

you to too tall thanks. would not of happened in the rainbow as it was only 2 hoses off the boom. and would not of done that through pipes.

Drew AUS 08-14-2009
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Wib !! nice mate , conc looks rubbish .. good job getting it through ! Pipe blow .. it happens ( TO EVERYONE) .

A lot of guys wouldnt even look at the stuff u do mate good job !

Sammy , mate bad form plz dont click on my posts either ..

Have an opinion is one thing being a cock is another! good luck to you , and good luck with the social issuses you have!

Mr wibau 08-14-2009
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haha your the man drew.

fred82 08-14-2009
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to much hose for me

fred82 08-14-2009
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i push 40mpa spray through a 20m 2 inch all the time. and ive had pipes blow on me with a 4 inch drop hose it happens

Many 08-14-2009
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Hey bigstick

Can I quote you?

Oh my goodness. please will you idiots stop criticizing everything this guy does

That's the diffence between just an operator and a operator,well said.

murf 08-14-2009
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you just put a big smile on me reading your "thanks for the comments bit" . can understand you using what you got on the truck, you must carry pipe for every type of job- 5 different reducers when most of us on here might carry 2 and not just a line pump! 

Sammy- its not just pressure that mames - you need volume as well , a good operator would know this and adjust his speed

mtnpumper 08-14-2009
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Impressive operating, Were you by yourself or did you have help?

pudg 08-14-2009
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I have seen some things I didnt like Mr wibau do I didnt like but calling him an idiot is a little much,he seems to have quite a bit of knowledge and hustle for a man of age and age is just a number we cannot go just by age,blowing pipes is a part of our job you use what you have to get the job done and he gotr done , so maybe if you chose to criticize you might wanna leave idiot out of it this is a discussion forum for good plus bad but we try to keep the name calling to a minimum , call him rookie which he is not or something not an idiot that for sure I know he isnt maybe the guy doing the name calling just might be the idiot himself, Pump Off !!

pudg 08-14-2009
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Hey sandi i meen sammi why dont you fill out your profile put a pic with a face its so easy to namecall and talk shit behind a blank face I criticize as much as anyone but I dont do it anonomously all these guys know they can look at my face on my profile or call me or e-mail me you theres nothing seems kinda spineless and yellow to me so I think I'll call you sandi from now on.fill your profile out so we can see the face of a asshole.

PourItOut 08-14-2009
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Hey Sammy, Quit hideing behind the mixer chute!  In this find industry we put ourselves in CHYTS GONNA HAPPEN!!!!   Tell us your storys!   I wanna learn all I can,,,      Pour It Out!!!!

Mr wibau 08-14-2009
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hey guys thanks again.

hey murf i can heaps of junk on the truck pain on the ass sometimes but it all has its job to do.

hey mtnpumper it is me and another guy. plus the guys on the job give us a hand to pull the gear around if we need it.

hey fred dont have thirty pipes on board so thats why so much hose.

thanks pudg.

stick it up him pourItout.

PUMPCON 08-15-2009
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Nice job mr wib,supprised to see the flop-crete push that far and still blow pipes ha ha..But just a another day in the office for u blokes keep up the good work. 

PUMPCON 08-15-2009
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I reckon if u havent  hit 300Bar u havent tried hard enough ha ha................thats just how we roll sandy..................

Pump N00b 08-15-2009
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Nice job, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
Glad we don't use anything bigger than 3" on jobs like this, and get it delivered on site by a helper,
or even better when they connect it up, prime it, wash it and take it away so you don't have to anything but push the buttons. :D

And sammy, why don't you put up a pic on one of your jobs like this and SHOW us how you mean it should be done, before you start critizing?

Mr wibau 08-15-2009
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thanks guys

sammy 08-21-2009
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Ok Pour it 0ut. here is one for you.

I think of safty first!Here is one: This job they wanted over 700 feet of light weight system for 90 yards.  They would of  have to close the highway for their pour during commute time so, "THEY ASEKED ME WHAT COULD BE DONE"! They wanted not a 4 inch but a 3" system with a max of 5.5 inch slump at 700 feet. I told them I am only going to do it once and use the newest system. We had a drop shipment of 200 feet of new hose which they had to pay for. IE: SAFTETY FIRST!!  The pressure would exceed 3800-42---  on a TK CATCREATER. No one else would attempt it and we where paid 325 per hour and bill was for 9 hours set up till clean up three men. End of story for system. SO YOU ALWAYS THINK OF SAFTEY FIRST!!!! . Point is you do not think you can do the job you do the job knowing you covered your bases for all safty issues. Anything can happen and the yahhoo's will get it in time.

ps. i have puimped 1/2 a mile

sammy 08-21-2009
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Ok Pour it 0ut. here is one for you.

I think of safty first!Here is one: This job they wanted over 700 feet of light weight system for 90 yards.  They would of  have to close the highway for their pour during commute time so, "THEY ASEKED ME WHAT COULD BE DONE"! They wanted not a 4 inch but a 3" system with a max of 5.5 inch slump at 700 feet. I told them I am only going to do it once and use the newest system. We had a drop shipment of 200 feet of new hose which they had to pay for. IE: SAFTETY FIRST!!  The pressure would exceed 3800-42---  on a TK CATCREATER. No one else would attempt it and we where paid 325 per hour and bill was for 9 hours set up till clean up three men. End of story for system. SO YOU ALWAYS THINK OF SAFTEY FIRST!!!! . Point is you do not think you can do the job you do the job knowing you covered your bases for all safty issues. Anything can happen and the yahhoo's will get it in time.

ps. i have puimped 1/2 a mile

sammy 08-21-2009
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