Todd 03-18-2011
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Ok guys here is how it is going down.

Am am working on the history of Concrete Pumping and I know different people have a different idea of how things got started so I am going to try to present as many of these interviews and perspectives as possible.

I still have a lot of work to do on the Bennett brothers history. I have a bunch of old film i have have to send out to get digitized and a bunch of labeling to do. I have a few weeks worth of work up now and I just though I would share what I have done so far. I would like to thank Ian Hay of Transcrete for all the encouragement to take on this very project.

P.S. I could use a sponsor to help with my cost on this project if anyone wants to help please let me know.

HERE is the Link.

This is a picture of the Second known Concrete Boom Pump ever made back in the summer of 1955. The Bennett brothers also made the first one at the end of 1954 but it was a one peace and I do not have a picture of it. If you want to see it being used click on the above link.

biloximike 03-19-2011
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Will the credits be like PBS - Produced by Grants from the following Foundations?

How about grant money from a Flea Market?  I'll send you a separate mail on how much. 

I think an accurate history of the industry is long overdue!

Todd 03-19-2011
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I think that the way this is going to work is that I am going to document everyone’s story and in the end let the chips fall were they may. You will have to form your own opinion but at least we will have all points of view.

I am meeting with Dave Gaston this month. Who else should I interview?

Ian Hay of Transcrete, he has been around a long time, (sorry Ian i know your not that old)

I would love to interview Gerhard Schwing. Is he still around?

I know Schwing claims to have the first boom mounted Concrete Pump that came out in 1968 but I think the Bennett brothers did it in the 50's. I will let everyone tell their own story and I might organize things a bit with a closing commentary on what i learn.

I would also like to interview Karl Schlecht.

Here is the sad part. Soon all these great men will be gone and they should be remembered. Our industry owes them so much. At least I hope to share their life story with generations to come.

So who eles should I interview?

Bob Weatherton. Bob sold some of the first concrete pumps. of course right. if it has to do with Concrete Pumps Bob is involved in it.

Harvey Hoyer, Richard Obrien who else?

Many 03-19-2011
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Only a fleetig memory

Try Dale bone Sr.As I remember the story O'Brian got one of the first Schwing booms,a real disapointment.

TooTall 03-19-2011
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Check this out Todd...

TooTall 03-19-2011
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The earliest American patent for a concrete pump was 1913.

This 1931 patent eventually became the Rex Pumpcrete...

TooTall 03-19-2011
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Which evolved into this by 1940...

Todd 03-19-2011
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Very cool. I am working on the patants as we speak.

lucky phil 03-20-2011
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Brian callaghan snr would be good to talk to not much he doesn't know about pumping!

PourItOut 03-21-2011
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The American Concrete Institute published this book in 2004

PourItOut 03-21-2011
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PourItOut 03-21-2011
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PourItOut 03-21-2011
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PourItOut 03-21-2011
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PourItOut 03-21-2011
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This is a very good book with a lot of very cool info and pictures,, not just about pumps,,,  here is the link where you can order one.

CDS 03-21-2011
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TooTall 03-23-2011
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The Rex Pumpcrete being used in 1944, Thunder Bay Ont...



TooTall 03-23-2011
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 Used here in 1952 on a bridge project by the US Army core of engineers crossing the ImJin river, Korea...

Notice the delivery system in the lower right of the photo...

This was no small project...