top heavy
moto 11-09-2008
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about 2 months ago a operator forgot to put out his outriggers pump tipped over missed building by inches been operating for 15 yrs.

Bob 11-09-2008
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Please read my post "Guess what I saw on Wednesday" posted 11-6-2008

moto 11-09-2008
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hey bob the reason i put this in here is because it doesnt matter how long youve been pumping if you get to confident you seem to forget safety alot of times.

Bob 11-09-2008
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You are correct. The rookies are not the ones doing this, it is the experienced ops'.

TooTall 11-09-2008
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Poor fella got out of his "ROUTINE". Until there is a dummy switch on every lever...Stay IN Your "ROUTINE"! Be so "routine" that customers notice "First thing outta the cab he pulls his outrigger pins- every single time!" Dont get too comfy & laid-back because as soon as you think you're the $hit - You will infact be in the $hit?

pudg 11-10-2008
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when you get out of your routine,boy I wander what percentage of accidents on concrete pumps are caused by this,in my case just about every time I have screwed up this was the main reason,now if I get out of my routine I double check everything