Vasa Look!! New Toy!!
crazycreter 10-29-2008
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please remind me occasionally not to break into your house!!!

2park 10-29-2008
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i told you not to wash off my hopper

Raymond 10-29-2008
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Have you ever seen the movie: Johnny Dangerously?

There's a scene where Joe Piscipo, a gangster from the '30's, whips out this HUGE gun.  He says: "It's a 44 Magnum...It shoots through schools".

Anyhoo, that just reminded me of that scene.

scolew 10-29-2008
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I like to see people that use their 2nd ammendment rights, you go brother. 

Bob 10-29-2008
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Way too much powder for me



kneerick 10-30-2008
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you know we have a sign at the cabin that says we dont call 911 with a pic of a gun on the sign

Vasa 10-30-2008
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A new toy ! Can I play ? ;-) But I would buy a 3" without a compensator ! So it feels when you fire....

mrmike36z 10-30-2008
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I know I'll get in trouble for posting this, oh well. Better enjoy your 2nd amendment rights before a certain presidential candidate takes them away. Buy em up and hide em!!!!!

WHO?? 10-30-2008
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You guys need to see one of these thing fired at night from a side view!!It looks like the whole thing EXPLODES!!! It's great!

Leroy 11-24-2008
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TooTall what happened to your pics????

Vasa 11-24-2008
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TT check with brownells or some of the scope manufacturer.... Or go to a gun-smith ! <more monee but it will look much nicer !

TooTall 11-24-2008
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I took it down. Someone had conidered it as a personal threat????? It was meant for Vasa, aAaall the way over in Sweden! The picture and text was copied or saved and people were told it was a direct e-mail! I was amazed to say the least??? 

Vasa 11-25-2008
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TT , I didn´t take it as a personal threat ! I has that kind of humor ! ;-)

Take a look at this scope-mount !

TooTall 11-26-2008
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Vasa, I know you would not consider this as a threat as you are a "brother in Arms." Someone trying to cause me trouble, attached the photo and text to an e-mail saying I sent it to them directly? When in fact it was posted and addressed to a friend (you) in a different country all together. Thank-you for the link!