Very cool picture, can you guys see whats wrong with it
Todd 12-17-2009
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Todd 12-17-2009
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dang, I just saw it. who can tell me what is wrong with this picture, man it is a lovely picture but I do see something wrong with it.

Todd 12-17-2009
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Here I fixed the picture.

murf 12-17-2009
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A bloke from italy posted it on our facebook page-never looked closely at it , I see what you mean..... bye bye picture!!!!!

Todd 12-17-2009
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good job murf I did not see it at first either. I changed the title of the post.

bikermike 12-17-2009
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steel end on hose dah

SUPERDOFFER 12-17-2009
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Left down corner

mudcup 12-17-2009
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No outriggers??

Pump N00b 12-17-2009
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Double 90.
Can't get a view of the outrigger because of the bush, but they only extend half a metre or so.

ruscoe 12-17-2009
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what if he was connecting up to 100m of line ?

regulater 12-17-2009
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looks like the pump is the mixer truck to and the other thing I noticed is a 20' or 25' 5'' tip hose

AK1 12-17-2009
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i think it is the guy peeing right there by the truck right behind drivers door