CoastPumper 11-01-2006
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Senator Kerry and his supporters can kiss my un-educated, homework avoiding, Vietnam Era Veteran Royal Red Behind!

Bob 11-01-2006
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I am also a Viet vet. USMC.

Kerry made an ass out of himself, no doubt. I must however point out that everything ELSE he said was the absolute truth. I think Kerry would make a sorry-assd Pres, but his heart is in the right place. As for where his head is........... well we both know the answer to that.

Full Stream 11-01-2006
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Everyone is too sensative now days!! What Kerry said was meant to be a pun, a joke. Americans need to lighten up a bit, and start thinking about how to fix what G W has screwed up.

Bob 11-01-2006
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There is no fix for what W has screwed up. We will have to start over.

And for that there will never be an apology.

no more

BU**                                                                         SH**


tink 11-07-2006
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Big Ed; They will never do anything unless working class america forms a political action group collects a lot of money and pays them off with campaign contributions. Some people dont know this but they get to keep whats there when they quite or get booted for there stealing or sex lives.