Many | 11-10-2011 | comment profile send pm notify |
Tomorrow I will be visiting the vertual wall to visit an old school friend,a hard time for me.I give thanks to the VA for keeping it's promis to take care of us,also all the doctors,nurses and civilan employees that care.Give thanks to the past and present military,don't forget some civilans served as well. Welcome Home |
Todd | 11-10-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
I pray you have a good day Many and thanks for all those who who put it all on the line for our freedoms. |
Todd | 11-10-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
Here is a picture of my brother, served for 4 years and saw a lot of battle. Glad he made it home, so sorry for those who did not. |
Todd | 11-10-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
Here my brother Tyler is sigging in the window, kind of dumb right. |
concreteluvr | 11-11-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
I pray for our Vets and Troops everyday. Thank You for your service Many and everyone on here that has served. Just bring them HOME. I will be attending a service today as I always do. GOD BLESS AMERICA and GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS AND VETS |
Crow | 11-11-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
God bless all my brothers who served during a time of great turmoil in the US. So many that didn't want to serve in a war that was a conflict we should not of been involved in. Vietnam was a war of politics and words. We went nowhere and fought everywhere. When it was time to go home there was no celebrating, no flag waving, just hatred for the serviceman who were involved, because we represented the America that everyone hated. There were death threats against the Marines I was stationed with in Camp Pendleton. When we went off base we had to go in pairs, because of the threats. People tend to forget that period and not everyone wants to remember an America that actually lost a war. I am proud to be an ex-marine and to have served my country, no matter what crisis there was. I was asked to come forward and be a patriot. That is what America was founded on. True revolution and protection of all our freedoms. My experience in the service did not sour my love for my country and as old as I am, I'd do it again in a hearbeat. I am proud to be an American, and I'm proud, and appreciate what sacrifices all the troops in the military are making. They are stepping up to the plate when our country says it time to fight. Go boys, be proud, be all you can be, we are there with you in spirit and support. You deserve all the honor and glory. Amen! |
Todd | 11-11-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
Love to see some pictures, post them if you got them. Hey Crow, thanks for your service. Your the man. May your latter years be peaceful. |
Todd | 11-11-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
If your a Veteran please sound off, or if your you have family memeber who is sound off. Pictures would be great also. |
Many | 11-11-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
I have misplaced so many pic's over the years,many memories We would take the tanks to wherever the 11th Armored Cavalry went and stayed with them until they went back to their base camp. We were a transportation detachment with the 79th Maintenance Bn. ![]() |
Todd | 11-11-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
Very cool Many, thanks so much for he pictures, which one of the guys are you? |
Many | 11-11-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
the 1st one I took the pic,some of the original heavy lift guys.The second you can see me from the waist up in the 88,the last one is one of our dragon wagons bringing a ruptured 48 back in from Camron Bay area. |
concreteluvr | 11-11-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
NICE CROW. REAL NICE. THank You for your pride, courage and spirit of and in our country. We need more of this. This is what built American and what will rebuild America. Thanks again Crow. |
concreteluvr | 11-11-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
USA - How many can we get on here? Three Letters. USA. 4526 members. Lets see the Proud Americans from our membership. Just post USA from your title. |
Big Tobacco | 11-11-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
Thanks Many and to all the other veterans that defend and have defended our freedom. God Bless You, and God Bless the United States of America. |