WHO?? | 07-16-2009 | comment profile send pm notify |
Well My end goal for this career path is not to be a manager or a GM or a salesman.I want to get into the SAFETY aspect of our industry.Any one have any Idea's,You know like maybe some classes I could take to get me started in that direction?? I have thought about where i want to end up and this is it! I feel that this is THE most important part! So thats where I want to be!! THANKS GUYS ! for any help you can offer |
Many | 07-16-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Yeah,a great start would be the acpa.However those idiots are controlled by the big guys.Why would they give a rats bannana when there to busy having parties. Hear me Christy?
Todd | 07-16-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Holly Molly Many. Be nice ok. ACPA is coming along quit well. There will be much new blood in the ACPA. Les Ainsworth called me today and he told me that he is not going to be running anymore and others cant be in it much longer. It will be nice to have some younger guys in there. Lets see what the next generation will do. Christi is not doing a bad job. She even called me the other day and it was all very good stuff.
I have an old guy who lives next to me and he hates everyone and everything I feel sorry for people who cant reevaluate from time to time and look and see if things are changing for the better and the ACPA is. Believe me I see and hear it all and nobody or no organization is perfect. Take a look and see what they are doing.
Picking on Christi is not going to do any good, she works for the board doing what they tell her to do. She is not just looking for the next party.
Oh and by the way I am not a member of the ACPA right now. I wish I could be but just cant afford it right now but I will join again as soon as I can afford it. |
Many | 07-17-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Todd,somewhere I have saved the e-mails she has sent to me.When someone tells me it's time to get out of the industry (and she did) I tend to get hostile. Yeah,it would be nice to see change.Do you really know the fundimental reason the acpa started? I do,safety.One may ask why,it was the lawsuits,nothing more or less.So the creation of the acpa was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Now I have to pay to be a member.What would be the real deal there.I have nothing to gain,no investment (well other than 30+ training).No Todd i'm on target,wanting me to lighten up takes substance.Announcing a change in direction would be an eye opener to me. As for the other person,mmm.Shortly after the acpa started one of the founding members couldn't renew there insurance.The corrective action?They bought out a small California pump company "goose creek concrete pumping" to regain ins. The only way to invoke change is to have them hear the system is flawed,then take action. |
Secret Squirrell | 07-17-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
WHO you can start buy e-mailing kylerask@brundagebone.com or 18003448944. This guys only job is safety he is Brundage-Bone's . full time Safety Director. |
yard whore | 07-17-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
WHO, Try gettin under somones desk, or b n "unsafe" It might get u somewhere!! Seems like it works 4 some. |