WAY off topic
Bob 12-20-2007
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Many sent this to me in an email and I had to share. Sorry that you can't see the 10 sacks of cement in the back seat.

Todd 12-20-2007
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The Picture nees to be on the internet before you can post a link to it. if you send it to me i will do it for you.


Bob 12-21-2007
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Since when I look at the picture it is there (on my hard drive) I can not tell if you have posted it for me.

Sorry about the hastle; I could not imanine that this picture was not on the net. Proof that there are people driving on the roads with us  that have an IQ below freezing.


OE Local 3 12-22-2007
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lol !


OE Local 3 12-22-2007
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lol !


Many 12-22-2007
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