welcome to louisiana. have a nice day.
"MUDDY" 08-03-2010
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there are 3 more layers that you don't see under there.

Many 08-03-2010
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Does that bring back some ugly memories,the mud.

Seed 08-03-2010
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When the mud is three feet deep perhaps they should wait a couple of days? lol! Interesting outrigger, what brand?

Slinger488 08-03-2010
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Pumpstar ???

"MUDDY" 08-03-2010
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yep... it's a junkstar.

biged 08-03-2010
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Seed they could wait three months and it would still be muddy,you don't have to dig but a foot or so and water is everywhere.

getRdone 08-08-2010
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I used to live there and good luck with stability. Might as well setup on wet doggshit.