Were's the work in So Cal??
Jefe 05-20-2008
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Hey So Cal pumpers- Is it just me or is it continuing to stay very, very slow? We all need more work! Does anyone have any ideas?? So Cal Pumpers- Let me know if you are interested in starting a co-op to help each other out. We need to unite in these tough times!!

toper 05-21-2008
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not in so cal,haha  just kiddin im w/ art on this subject ,this industry is very cut throat, when company's aren't low ballin to stay busy , theyre being greedy w/the work trying to do every job possible, working their people to the bone,rather than getting the job covered.

it would be nice to see this industry better connected but as long as their are comp. owners who dont care about their workers just the dollars in their pockets, i dont see it ever progessing.

but maybee some day, one day, oh wait thats justa dream i had.

B V 05-22-2008
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I have known Art for many years he is right. Today I had to give 2 jobs away at 7am and one of the pumpers I gave one to did a no show Slept in. We run 10 guys and reason we run that many is it is hard to get someone who will take care of your customers. I will give you more work than any customer you think you could take from me.

Jefe 05-22-2008
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I'm out of Chino, Ca, but I'll go wherever the work is of course. I have an Olin 540 line pump. I've been out on my own for just over 2 years now. It's sad but true that it is difficult if not impossible to find pumpers that won't take work from you. Don't they realize that it ultimately hurts the industry as a whole?