What every pump needs
Goose2448 03-21-2012
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Keeping your pump in working order means cleaning it, changing fluids, and greasing it after every use.  Our guy in the shop just had to pull out his air powered grease gun one day.  Well I went and bought one today, figuring it would be better than cranking on the one I have now.  $50 at Seres and I got a the Pro model.  I figured I would lube the front of the 550 to try it out.  I got through 2 tubes in about 5 mins, apperently this thing had never been greased.  But trying to go starting the third tube, the rotor in it gave out.  I am a little disapointed with it because of that, but its going to be exchanged so we will see how the next one works.  I always seem to get the defective product.  Still I would recommend it.  Its pretty quick and easy, and makes you look like you know what your doing.  LMFAO

Joel@4perllc.com 03-21-2012
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You can also get the battery powered ones that run on like a cordless drill battery.  Slicker than snot, just puts out way too much grease for me.  I hate grease hanging off of everything almost as bad as I hate it not being greased!  Works great for greasing s tube if you dont have an auto greaser. 

FunnyBoom 03-21-2012
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I bought the same one just the ither week. Use it for filling my auto greasers mainly and must say I love it.

Goose2448 03-21-2012
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The reason we do not have an auto greaser is because then you would never have to look at the parts of the pump.  By looking at it each and every pump, you can inspect for things like wear and damage.  

FunnyBoom 03-22-2012
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Just because you have an auto greaser doesn't mean you shouldn't climb around and inspect everything on a regular basis... Just saying...

ALMIMA 03-22-2012
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Not using autogreaser because it make pumpers to be irresponsible, is a way to see it that i don´t buy. The other option is that the pumpers don´t use the greasepump at all, wich is much worser for the pump.

biged 03-22-2012
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Buy and OLIN ball valve and no grease gun required.

Goose2448 03-22-2012
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Well I exchanged it for another one, and this one lasted all of 3 seconds.  It a cheap o ring inside of the trigger.  I think I am going to get a Lincion one and see how that works.  If your not going to take pride in what you do, then your in the wrong bussiness.  As a large Mason and Concrete company, with a single pump, I make it my mission to be the best pump our guys have ever worked with.  That means not having problems.  Greasing that pump is one of many ways to prevent problems.  Making greasing easier is nice.  One less thing that makes me hurt at the end of the day.  One of our crews destoried our Skidd Steer because they did not grease it.  I know I like to hit all the equiptment when I am around because no one else does.  This just makes it faster.