Whats ur longest week no BS
Many 07-05-2009
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When we had a hay day I was getting 70-80.We did have an operator "Vince Tyler" that broke 100 on a regular basis.52m.I'm sure he is now burnt out back in SoCal.

RAM03 07-05-2009
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91 one week followed by 94 the following. couldnt keep that pace though.lost track of what day it was after awhile.

pudg2 07-05-2009
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6 18 hr days for 4 weeks like to have killed me,but the money was great wish we had those kind of opportunities nowadays

Step Brother 07-05-2009
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113.5, 6 days. No bs. Next to that was 99.75. If i knew i was that close i would have milked 15 minutes.

RAT 07-05-2009
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hahaha vince tyler worked with me at merli los angelos... one hell of an operator sad to see him depart form my company.... i wonder where he went anyone know?

Many 07-05-2009
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I talked with Kieth Joiner a few years back (bbcp La area) and Vince was with him.I had a chance to talk to him briefly,a changed person.As I understand he was setting up a pump along a highway there and was hit by a car,yuk.Almost lost him,yes a very on top operator and learned allot.The most noteable was how to flat boom water wash a 52m Schwing.

yard whore 07-05-2009
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Many 07-05-2009
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Big nuts,no fear,common sense.Now this is doing with a schwing.Call me tomorrow,check your mail.

BIG PAPA PUMP 07-05-2009
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I did 107 in 7 days and if asked what i did the day before i couldn't have told u because i was so exhausted.  Loved the chech though.  Hell now i'd just settle for 40 but that don't happen much anymore.

elkhunterz 07-05-2009
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In the last two weeks I did 153 hrs not working sat or sunday.  Way too much away from the family.

RAT 07-05-2009
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many, yea he got hit by a car awhile back that was before he worked for merli la he was with us up until a couple months ago he worked for us for about 5 years i think... that whole flat water wash is intense seen it done.... i think the craziest ive seen him do is the one hopper wash out on a 61 meter..... thats right one hopper!!!! ive yet to duplicate or try for that matter

Openhorizen 07-05-2009
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Family was out of town, so I worked. 110 hours in 6 days. There were days I just slept in the truck waiting for the next job!

TooTall 07-06-2009
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 82 hrs. in five days. (21 of which the day before Xmas eve!)

 Considering there's only 120 HOURS total in five days that's just stupid and asking for some brain dead stunt!!!

Pump N00b 07-06-2009
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Don't remember, but I had some weeks I didn't sleep more than 7 hours in 6 days.
Almost 300 hours last month, WEEEHEE!

yard whore 07-06-2009
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I one hopper my 61m pretty regularly no probs yet

ShortStik 07-11-2009
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118 billable hrs in 7 days, 312h in three weeks.