dick tracy 02-26-2008
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I guess those questions were too controversial as well?

Group hug? allright good luck, later. DT

DIGGER 02-27-2008
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Crikey Dick, I was getting my mind over-loaded with a reply to your posting and Sham-Bang ........ it\'s gone. What\'s the angle here? I don\'t see any concrete producers sponsors listed on the right hand side of the screen.

The industry is going through a recession, the whole boom supply train has been de-railed. The second hand market is flooded and home repos in the USA are up some 95% in January.

Sometime people need to vent their feelings to others. The facts are there, we all know, but someone wants to stick his head in a bucket.


Todd 02-27-2008
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I thought you posted that because you were going into the message board to talk about those issues. When you leave the chat room you should delete your topic or message that you are going into the chat room, that way people don’t keep coming in looking for you and you not being there.


Here is the deal, I don’t want post about, Pump Companies you hate, Pump Manufactures that you have problems with, labor laws, China, Korea, Russia or Germany, weather you like them don’t like them and so on the message board.


You can post, I will be in the Chat room, lets talk about politics in the pumping industry. Then other will join in on the chat and you can talk about this stuff. What I don’t want is somebody to post something like. “I think that Russia uses child labor lets talk about it.”


I don’t want politics on the message board at all, none.


The message board is set up to help operators and owners with industry questions. Its not here to right all of our industries wrongs, its not here to condemn a pump company that you may think is not doing what is right or to complain about your boss or your competitor.


Say what you want in the chat room but not on the message board. You know almost everyone who has a negative thing to say almost always has nothing in there profile. Test me on this. If someone is bashing a Pump Company, Manufacture or a country look first at there profile and you will for the most part see an empty profile and that says a lot to me.

Todd 02-27-2008
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again if you want to meet in the chat room and talk at a certain time do so, just dont post something like, lets talk about Mexicos labor laws in the chat room.

Post, lets talk about some issues in the pumping industry at 6pm tonight. Than when you leave delete your post. Its clean and simple


Bob 02-27-2008
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When we reduce the permissible topics to just plain vanilla, then everyone that likes something else or is just tired of vanilla will leave.  

Just my opinion

Todd 02-27-2008
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The topics are open, politics are not open, there is no country, no manufacture, no company that is immune to scrutiny, hatred, slander and prejudice so i do not allow politics to be discus on this web site. Even America could be debated for ever on weather or not we do what is right. I do not want this message board to be about politics.

This message board is for news, asking for help and talking about concrete pump related issues.

I will ban anyone who persists in making this a political message board so please do not defame countries, manufactures, Pump Companies, Operators and sponsors.

I hope you all understand. I want a industry site that is positive and represents us well.

dick tracy 02-27-2008
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I was aking for SINCERE input to questions. Thoughts questions and answers from other poeples prespectives.

I did not slam, I did not point I simply asked some questions. No politics, would it have created some different point of views? Yes.

We spoke of this and I for one am going to check out with my programmer to see if a message board can be connected to my site. I will NOT have sponsors nor will I devote time and effort, like you do\' (an I respect that) nor will I be in competition with you. That board will be to have the types of discussions that you cannot have here. I will not have any sponsors for one thing:-)

But it will be frank talk with no holds barred discussions including politics, ethics etc. associated with manufacture, delivery problems  design etc. I promise you I won\'t sell vanilla...OK..Of course there will have to be some ground rules. It\'s done it will be up soon.

Todd 02-27-2008
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Looks its already over DT, you said ground rules. See that is were it starts and it will keep growing from there. I wish you the best but wait and see, you are jumping into the fire, when you let people post who dont even want their real name posted you get everything from white supremacy kkk members to every operator who got fired for steeling posting crap that just makes us all look bad. Once you open up the can it stinks.


What you going to call the site?


I don’t mean to be disrespectful but I like group hugs its those people who want to shoot everyone with words that I have a hard time with.

Bob 02-27-2008
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OK, no politics; how about this?

The CONCRETE PUMPING (key words) industry is going through some changes, big ones.

Ready mix people are buying pumps, many nations are are now competing for the business of the American pumper. Economic conditions are such in our country that this is an attractive option for many within our industry.

Do we as an industry owe it to ourselves and others to consider the relative wages and working conditions within that potential suppliers country? Do we have the responsibility of working, or purchasing from those more (can not say politically) in line with our own country? Should we join the Nike wearers condition of blindness? Do we, as an industry have a collective conscience that could potentially run contrary to our potential profit? 

dick tracy 02-27-2008
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 I am going to make a site dedicated to the structural differences, components, liabilities problems in design and function, political overtones can and will be accepted but be prepared to back it up with data. I never posted hate messages. Any one desiring to learn or share about and or design or design problems, engineering etc. why some component’s are carbon fiber vs. steel cylinders why hollow pins vs. solid pins are used and debate if the manufacturing industry is going in the right direction will all be allowed. I will also allow debate on issues that affect our industry; all other types of issues will be referred to your site and I will provide a link to your site. Sure there will need to be rules but I will allow a manufactures names and manufacturers country of origin because I’m not sponsored by them. If the machines are not holding up and there are several owners and operators who can share that information great. You cannot do that here, I accept that. It will not be a board that has the same purpose as your site. It will not be dedicated to operators as your site is, and I won’t devote the time and effort that you do. If some one wants to get on the site and state that brand X has a structural problem or a design problem or the welds are no good or the booms are wrong and cracking and name brand X is published no problem just back it up with fact. By the way I shut down, but while I was on with my web designer I’ll have buttons to that whole mess too. And if I expose manufacturers being unfair in competition like what was occurring when I wrote fair pump so be it. We vote with our pocket books, including where and how our money is spent, each of us is free to chose and look at what their money is supporting, moral, ethical or otherwise.

dick tracy 02-27-2008
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YES we do, yes we can!

Todd 02-27-2008
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I understand your point, my point is that the message board is not the place for it.

Todd 02-27-2008
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So if a guy post on your site that brand XXXXXX has bad our riggers and sends in pictures to prove it you will post it right. So now this guy just trashed a manufacture and what really happened is this guy forgot to close up his out riggers a few times and they finally broke during a poor. So now you just trashed a manufacture and it was not their fault. How can you feel that is fair? Chris do you only buy pumps from people and countries and manufactures that have never broken the law, never lied, was allied with America during ww2? You think you are doing us all a favor but you are just going to make your life more hectic and dived us all. The stuff your talking about means that every person who has an axe to grind can sharpen his sword at your house and you have every right to do it but I dont think its good for you or this industry.

Have you ever heard someone vent? it always sounds bad and it will cause people in this industry to divide and it will hurt our industry.

Well that is just my thoughts.


dick tracy 02-27-2008
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Yes, your message board is not for that. I completely understand. Mine will be just for that.

Todd 02-27-2008
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Ok, but just remember we often become what we hate. I think with your rules you will end up producing exactly what you hate and end up doing more harm that good.


and if this type of stuff must be done better on your site than mine. I would like to thank you for at least talking about with me I have always had a ton of respect for you Chris.

Royal Concrete Pumps 02-27-2008
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I don\'t take anyone\'s opinion personally.

I liked the idea of being able to state my perspectives and ideas and getting someone elses thoughts.

Just because one person doesn\'t like the way a machine is built doesn\'t make the manufacture bad, how else does jo blow get there attention about issues if a person is not allowed to vocalize it. If brand x is not doing something i am looking for They may not listen to me but they might listen to 1000 people that think like me. It\'s power in numbers. This is why they call it freedom of speech.

I have issues with a certain brand, If I can help someone by letting them know this could save them a whole lot of greif. Any one out there that\'s want more detail on my problem with this brand email me and I will be more than happy to fill you in. This could save you thousands in headaches.

Dt I don\'t think what you did was wrong, it needs to be done to keep all persons involved with machines like this.

It\'s only an opinion.

we learn from others.

Bob 02-27-2008
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The truth sets us free to decide which side of the line we wish to be on. My truth may be different than your truth, true, but I love it that it is expressed.

Todd 02-27-2008
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Hey Paul, hope your doing well.

Well i dont think Chris is doing anything wrong, I just dont think this is the best place for it, he has every right to do it but i also dont think it will produce the outcome he is looking for. Every sales man will bag on every other brand, you will see and hear all the crap and you will get less than 50% of the truth and those that lie and who are deceit full will win the day and that is the opposite of what Chris is trying to do.


Todd 02-27-2008
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Concrete message board rules (short version)


If you need help, ask we would love to help you.

If you have some news post it, unless it trashes somebody or something in the pumping industry.

Speak kindly to each other.

Represent our industry with class.

Promote safety

Encourage each other.

Be friendly.


This is what my hope is for this message board. If you can not do these things than please do not post on the message board. Now we all make mistakes and I understand that because I make mistakes all the time but please do not make me ban you from the site, it always pains me to do it.

Royal Concrete Pumps 02-27-2008
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Hey Todd,

Since I have become an independent, I don\'t listen to the salesman, a person biggest mistake is to believe a salesman. With the market slowing down as it is, if the salesman degrades or \"trashes\" another manufacturer I will not deal with them, It is not their job to say the down sides of other manufacturers,That to me is hitting below the belt. As an operator of the machines I feel it\'s my obligation to tell others my grief or glory it could make their decision alot easier.

How can a person speak there opinion and still be politically correct? If a company chooses to sponsor a site, why does this stop them from being accountable for their actions?

This would make all opinions one sided. Not fair.

I would love to tell people my headache here but I would be afraid of the letter being edited. How will they know what there getting into if my problems are filtered and controlled.

This is why i put on my email address up.

I get the feeling a person is only allowed to ask kindergarden questions and not ask for the whole truth?

I hope I\'m wrong

It\'s not slandering when it\'s a fact.. 

Todd 02-27-2008
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Look most salesman are strait up good guys, i dont mean to be bagging on them, sorry guys, but anyone who trash talks will not let you know who they are. Its not like they want you to know, i mean you can even look at Dick Tracy, look at his profile nothing there so behind a mask it is easy to trash somebody is my point,

dick tracy 02-27-2008
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I do not know why you think I am upset. I understand Todd\'s position.  The point of an industry board is to educate and debate. If 1 guy downs a manufacturers machine so what. There will be ten guys that come back and call them to the carpet. I am not going to ease up a bit I am already wallowing in vanilla. I need not join in on a love fest. I know this business and with the utmost respect to Todd\'s position, I do not have to follow the same rules as Todd. I do not make my living catering to the manufactures. I don’t have to lick the soles of their shoes. I don’t have to agree with their policies. I don\'t have to hide from defects that they don’t want you to know about. I don’t care about the repercussions from dirty dealing as long as it is the truth ***k em. How many millions of dollars have been bilked from pumping companies due to mistakes in manufacturing…you think they want us to talk? ***k no they don’t. Keeping their feet to the fire is the only way to change. When they create injustice share it, so when the next salesman walks in from a corrupt organization or just liars you can call them to the carpet. When you get stuck with 10k in parts that\" no one else has had that problem\" and yet every one else has, Todd can\'t put that up here. Well no disrespect to Todd and I wont be messing with his base here for no manufacturer is going to pay me. Ralph Nader did ok so can I with the help of other people putting in honest assessments and honest opinions,  I want it backed with facts and I have plenty of them.

dick tracy 02-27-2008
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Well I cant see enough of the situation from 1 tiny picture and I need glasses just to read the print, but it is and could be a good topic for discussion.

dick tracy 02-27-2008
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Oh and buy the way, that is my favorite manufacturer.

Royal Concrete Pumps 02-27-2008
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short bus..

where did the rest of the outrigger dissappear to???

manhole cover??


Bob 02-28-2008
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He was being facetious.

Bob 02-28-2008
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Different people have different priorities.

Your pad+dunnage+plate= professional set-up.

Thanks for the pics ;~)