Hurley, Bob
Bob Hurley
Coastal Carolina Pumping,Graham,North Carolina I started pumping in the industry's infancy,when EVERY job was questionable! As there were no mix designs by todays standard,one load might pump,the next might not! I began on a Thompsen 600 line pump,which was a work horse on 3 legs. It had no "power reverse",which meant if you plugged up in the hose,you couldn't back off the pressure! So not only are my reaction times phenominal,I can bust open a clamp with my eyes closed! It also had a concrete pump valving system commonly known as a "flapper box" which was not a 1920's girl,but a valve simply made from a rectangular piece of steel with a shaft running through it. Think of a rectangular box with a piece of steel going from left to right diagonally.Now think of that same box with that same piece of steel going from right to left. Congradulation!!You've just shifted over a flapper box! If it were only that easy! I might have saved a few bones and yards of skin.