Ahmet Cobanoglu

Age 39
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Personal Details
About Me CBO-Cobanoglu Automotive produces spare parts for concrete pump and truck-mixers. CBO products are perfectly interchangeable with as it produces using the same quality standards and adopting the same technological processes used by the original manufacturers. The Cobanoglu product range essentially consists of wear parts and concrete hopper equipment and up to 1200 parts such as Schwing , Putzmeister Cifa, Sermac, Junjin, Waitzinger, Klein and Truck-mixer parts.The factory which covers an area of 20000 m� has permanent members of staff and export more than 62 countries throughout the world testifies its success, achieved by working with passion and dedication, day after day, Based on relationships built on great trust with its customer.We view our relationship with our customers as a partnership. We take care to learn about and understand your business, to enable us to develop and provide the perfect product for your marketplace. CBO export sales team is highly experienced, adaptable and always at your service.
Company Details
Company CBO Cobanoglu Automotive
City konya
State tr
Zip 42280
County Turkey
Website www.cbo.com.tr
Email cbo@cbo.com.tr
Phone 00903323450616
Fax 00903323450088
Ahmet Cobanoglu's Recent Message Board Posts
Discussion Posted By Views Replies Last Post
CBO-Concrete Pump Parts Campaign -April.2018 Ahmet Cobanoglu 2556 0 2018-04-12 08:34:40
CBO-Concrete Pump Parts Campaign -February.2018 Ahmet Cobanoglu 1128 0 2018-02-21 03:24:06
CBO-Concrete Pump Parts Campaign -Jan.2018 Ahmet Cobanoglu 2217 2 2018-01-22 01:55:28
Thanks for concretepumping.com Ahmet Cobanoglu 1855 0 2018-01-20 09:06:52