Concord Customer Support

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Personal Details
About Me Hello my name is Mark and I grew up in a family run pumping business, spent my time in the shop, worked out on the crew placing and finishing. I worked both in the USA and Canada pumping in the north at minus 40 and the heat of the south at more than 100. I love Concrete pumping and have ran so many models I honestly can’t remember but I have ran new Concords, Alliance, KCP, Putz and Schwing. Also put my time in on a few belts, some old machines like Thompsons, Titians and others. With my experience in the field I love the 50 meter class and the new 45’s. I ran a new 45 last year for about six months and I love the new  Placing Booms as I put the one on to the Vancouver Trump Tower. Personally I have six great kids, (still trying to figure out what causes it), a super model wife and I am a boating nut. Other than that as a Pump Operator who can type, lol I will be putting up news articles and also helping anyone I can with Support, Advice, Training Strategies & Concrete Pumping Equipment Solutions:  
Company Details
Company Concord Concrete Pumps
Address 1608 Broadway Street
City Port Coquitlam
State B.C.
Zip V3C 2M8
County Canada
Website www.ConcordPumps.Ca
Email CustomerSupport@ConcordPumps.Ca
Phone 604. 464 7867 Cell 604.999.703
Fax 604.468.7885
Concord Customer Support's Recent Message Board Posts
Discussion Posted By Views Replies Last Post
ANOTHER GREAT YEAR AT THE WORLD OF CONCRETE FOR CONCORD: Concord Customer Support 5298 37 2015-03-09 09:24:43
CONCORD PUMPS IN ACTION & COOL SHOTS ON SITE Concord Customer Support 2947 7 2015-03-09 08:45:48